Chapter 42

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Thomas hummed a little tune as he made some chicken broth for Chara, he stirred it up and walked into his room, he let her sleep in his bed, it was more comfy than the couch, but he took the couch and Chara slept in his bed, he would sleep with her, but he knew she wasn't comfortable with that. He grabbed a little board and set it on her lap, she opened her eyes just a slit as he set down the broth, she had a bandaged eye and she had to use a wheelchair because whenever she tried to walk, the cuts stung, her mouth and nose had stopped bleeding. Chara shakily grabbed the spoon, beggining to drink the broth. Thomas stepped out of the room, carefully shutting the door, he sighed and decided to go out for a walk, he locked the deadbolt and left, he had his blue and purple sweater with a smokey gray jacket and a pair of blue jeans. He walked around the city, for some reason hoping that gray cat would come up to him. He walked into Grillby's and growled, the gray cat was there, drinking a beer, "Hey! You!" He yelled, Blake turned his head and smiled, "Well who do we have here? Never heard your name, I'm Blake... you are?" Blake stood from the stool, holding his hand out. Thomas glanced at his furry hand, then back to his face, "Thomas." He said without a handshake, Blake pulled his hand away and laughed, "How's your new little girlfriend, Chara? Is that her name?" He joked, "We are. Not. Dating." Thomas stomped his foot, a few people began to watch them, "Mhm, yeah yeah. Whatever." Blake rolled his eyes, "Where is she?" Thomas demanded, "Who?" Blake asked stupidly, "Frisk!" He yelled on the whole restraunt, the place froze, people watching them fight, Blake looked around, "Hmph, way to go big guy. I'll c'ya later." Blake patted his shoulder, walking out, cigarette in hand. "Wait, wha~?" Thomas stormed out of the place and turned Blake around, sneering, "Answer my question. Where is Frisk?" He glared, "Well, somewhere, yeah, that's where she is, she's somewhere." Blake said, beggining to walk away, "'Ey! Hey, 'ey, 'ey!" Thomas stopped in front of him, "Oh what now buttercup?" Blake rolled his eyes, blowing out smoke from his cigar. Thomas coughed, and waved his hand around, "This'll be the last time I ask you! Where is she?!" Thomas slammed Blake against the wall, Blake just stared at him with an expression of apathy. Thomas felt something hot on his chest, he looked down to a cigarette on his chest, he gasped and pulled away, wiping away hot ashes, "Ciao." Thomas heard Blake, he looked up, and Blake was nowhere to be seen.

Tagging: PrincessAsriel, kawaii_shipper02, Undertale_Garbage

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