Chapter 47

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Thomas sighed as he ate, Chara had a little pass out, as if she was exhausted. Chara slept in the bed, waiting for Thomas to finish supper. Thomas hummed, scooping butter into the corn, he plopped it in the microwave and closed the door, "Two minutes." He said to himself, pressing the two.

Chara slowly finished her supper, placing her plate on the coffee table next to her, moaning in pain, she rolled over and sighed, she looked up as she heard the door squeak, "Hey Chara? Could I tell you something?" He asked, blushing and smiling, Chara sighed and nodded, sitting up in the bed, Thomas sat down by her, "Well, it feels as if it's been pretty obvious, and uhm... well... I like you.. though you're already with someone." He sighed, "I uh, o-oh..." Chara blushed awkwardly, looking away, "Well, it has been obvious, but, I didn't know for sure." Chara smiled, "Heh, cool, well... I guess that's it..." Thomas said, smiling.

Tagging: PrincessAsriel, kawaii_shipper02, Undertale_Garbage, nothuman21

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