Chapter 51 (Finale)

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Chara sighed, glancing around the living room, she looked outside and growled, Blake, but she quickly brightened as she saw Frisk right behind him. There was a knock on the door a minute later, Thomas glanced at Chara, Chara nodded, standing, she walked to the door, slowly opening the door to see Blake, she growled, "You little dirtbag! I saw Frisk right behind you! Where is she?" She demanded, "Chara?" Chara's mood switched immediately as she heard Frisk's voice, soft and clear, comforting and brightening. Blake stepped out of the way to reveal Frisk, Chara stared, her jaw dropped, and her eyes were filled with thousands of emotions, "Fr-... Fri-Frisk!" She dashed forward and hugged Frisk tightly, crying with joy, Frisk smiled, hugging her back, "W-Why did you bring her back?" Chara looked at Blake, letting go of Frisk, "Remember the shot Sans gave you? That's what happened to him, but now he's recovered." Frisk said, smiling, "Oh..." Chara stared at Blake for a while, "Who's that?" Frisk asked, looking past Chara, "That's Thomas, he helped me and he sheltered me." Chara replied, smiling at Thomas, Thomas smiled back, "So this is Frisk?" He asked, Chara nodded, Frisk gasped as she realized they had the same sweater, Thomas smiled, and walked towards them, he held his had out, Frisk smiled, accepting the handshake she put her hands in her pockets, "Its best we get home." Chara giggles, "Agreed." Frisk chuckled, "Thomas? Do you want to come?" Chara asked, "Nah, I'll stay here." Thomas smiled, "Alright." Chara sighed.

Chara, Frisk, and Blake left the complex, waving goodbye to Thomas, Chara hoped to see him again. They headed home and Chara knocked on the door, Blake had remembered the way, so he led them there. Toriel opened the door, covering her mouth, she hugged both Frisk and Chara, crying, "Mom!" Frisk and Chara both said happily, "Blake?" Toriel glared at the cat, "He's recovered! He doesn't want to hurt anymore." Chara stepped in front of her, "Oh... Asgore will be delighted!" Toriel smiled "Oh I am!" He said from the stairs, "Who's downstairs?" Chara heard Undyne, "I don't know." She heard Alphys reply, "We'll just have to see!" Papyrus slid down the stairs, "Oh my! Is it really?" Papyrus had a gleeful look as he saw the two girls, Undyne and Alphys came down next, everyone was happy, yet, Blake was a little rejected, but they invited him in. Chara stood by Blake everyone else was sitting on the couch, Chara was explaining what had happened, everyone's thoughts began to brighten about him. "And now he's recovered, that's the story." Chara finished, smiling, Frisk stood walking over by her, "Huh." Undyne looked at the cat, "Yes! I've heard of those parasites! They turn you insane if they find a way in you!" Alphys raised her hand as she spoke, "I'm just so happy you two are okay!" Toriel said, hugging them both again, Frisk and Chara smiled, Frisk glanced at Chara, smiled and giggled, she leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek, Chara blushed, rubbing the kiss. Papyrus then raised his hand, "What of my brother?" He said, Blake wriggled, guilt filling his expression, "He's... dead..." Chara sighed, "Oh... well... he would've caused more trouble anyway..." Papyrus frowned, "I understand." He suddenly smiled. The family had a reunion, celebrating the return of Chara and Frisk, they also mourned for Asriel, Papyrus mourned a little for his brother, Sans had helped him through hard times, times Papyrus felt undetermined, though Papyrus had accepted his brothers death, for he understood that it had to be done. Toriel set up the camera, rushing over to the family, smiling like the others, Undyne and Alphys stood by each other in the back, Toriel and Ashore right next to them, Papyrus was beside Blake, who was smiling with slight shyness, his true self had revealed itself. Chara and Frisk were in the front, they both had little buttercup flower crowns, Frisk had her arm around Chara, Chara had hers around Frisk. Frisk smiled, holding up a peace sign at the camera.


Well, this was a very short yet long story, I had a tragic ending planned, but I decided to change that idea, anyway, there may or may not be a sequel, I'm not exactly sure yet, anyway, thank you guys so much for reading! Let me know if you have an idea for a sequel.
Tagging: PrincessAsriel, kawaii_shipper02, Undertale_Garbage, nothuman21

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