//Sam Wilk//

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The daughter.

Sam's pov*

I walked down the studio halls for a quick meeting. Turns out my music needs a little more love it in it, so the producer wants to talk to me about it.

I don't know what he knows about love, he's only like 42.  I knocked on the room and a girl opened the door. Her hair was black she had acrylic nails, a nose ring, and had almost the blackest eyes.

"Samuel...stop drooling and take a seat", I took out a chair sitting down scooting in a bit to where my elbows rested on the table. "Y/N, please introduce yourself to my client Samuel Wilkinson".

"Uh, hi, I'm Y/N, and I'm guessing you must be Samuel", her voice was soft and quiet. We shook hands as my producer just watched us with hawk eyes.

"Call me, Sammy", I have her a wink as she chuckled.

"Mr. Wilkinson, please do not flirt with my daughter. She is just here for your music reasons, so please take it down a notch", daughter? Um, okay.

"Y/N, how old are you?".

"20", I just nodded my head, thoughts running. Oh, the things I could do to her. "Um, excuse me, Sammy, but my dad left and set up a schedule for us".

2:30 - Coffee break

3:30 - Walk in the park

4:30 - brainstorm song ideas

5:30 - revise song, send to me

6:30 - Come to my the studio and work on beats

7:30 - Get Y/N, new shoes

8:30 - buy some nice clothes to wear, Wilkinson. *Sweatpants aren't always what girls like to see a guy wear*

9:30 - Have Y/N home

"Your dad is um, a very specific man".

"Yeah...so what do you say, coffee".


"By the way, Sam, you don't have to buy me new shoes or new clothes for yourself".

"Then want to waste time watching Netflix?"

"And chilling?", she smirked as a smile appeared on my face.

This 'meeting' really was worth it, all to my producers, daughter.

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