//Jack Johnson//

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Get up.

You rose from your slumber and rubbed your eyes awake. You checked the time on your phone which was resting on a small  bedside table, 10:32. Considering it was Saturday, it seemed reasonably quiet. Only the sweet chirping and the faint snoring of your still asleep boyfriend.

You turned over to face him. His soft lips were slightly pouted, making them seem a little more plumper than usual. With your index finger, you swiped down on his bottom lip. As it came in contact with his top lip, a 'pop' sound was created, making you smile.

He groaned, only really making you giggle at his actions. You edged closer to him and blew a raspberry on his exposed shoulder. "Baby, stop", he said with his raspy morning voice.

"Well, aren't you a happy camper this morning!", you joked. He opened one of his crystal blue eyes to look at you. "Hmm", he hummed propping himself up with his elbows. "Morning, babe", you spoke as you leaned in to kiss him. When you pulled away you gazed into his eyes, brushing a bit of messy hair off his forehead.

You sat up beginning to get out out of bed, "you're not getting up yet or going anywhere", Johnson laughed as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your body into his - roughly tickling and kissing you all over.

This is hella cute (:

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