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Dedicated to JasmineGilinsky13.

New love.

Tears streamed down my face as a hand was slapped across my face which for sure would leave a noticeable red mark/bruise the next day. "We're done, I'm breaking up with you!".

"Whatever, it's not like I care anyways", I picked up my shoes and slid my phone into the back of my pocket running out of now my ex-boyfriends house.

He's abusive.

Don't know why now I decided to let go. The clouds were grey and filled with water which kind of told me to run home.


"Jack!", I screamed as I entered my brother's house. "Hey, sis, w-what happened?".

"H-he slapped me", Jack embraced me in a hug then grabbed his keys letting me go. "Yo, Johnson take care of her, while I go beat the shit out of someone", I turned around hearing the door shut, meeting the crystal blue eyes and shaggy blonde hair of, Jack Johnson.

"Did you finally get the nerve to break up with the douche?".

"Yeah. I don't know why I never listened to you, J, you just kind of knew from the start", he cracked a smiled as he took my hand and walked me to the kitchen. "Sit down please", I sat up on the counter as Johnson handed me an ice pack. I lightly pressed it against my cheek which hurt, but kind of numbed the pain after a while.

"It's not your fault, Jasmine, after all, he is kind of the abusive one".

"Thanks, J".

"No problem", he took the ice pack, standing in-between my legs. His fingers lightly ran across the bruised cheek as I shivered at his touch. "I can treat you way better".

"What was that?", I asked as he shook his head. "Jasmine... I know you just got off a relationship and stuff, but I-I like you".

I smiled leaning forward and pecking his cheek. "We'll make it work after I get over this".

"I'll be waiting for you, I always have".

Hoped u like it JasmineGilinsky13

😄requests are open😄

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