//Jack Gilinsky//

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Meet and greet.

"Wait, Johnson, your wardrobe change...I forgot to tell you that burrito you had, kind of spilled all over you shirt".

"Oh, right", he looked down as he took off his shirt. Great. Another, hot shirtless guy in the room other than Gilinsky. When your 20 years old and practically live with the Jack's you have a job. Keeping them clean and organized during tour including back in L.A.

"Okay, Gilinsky put something on. I'm not trying to be in a porn with you, Johnson, or anyone", he chuckled embracing you in a hug as Johnson smiled at you taking his phone out. "I ship it, so hard Y/S/N", you pulled away from Jack throwing him his grey sweatshirt.

"Are we all dressed and appropriate to go now because you have 5 minutes and a line of more than 1000 fan girls waiting for you?".

"Yeah, but none of them can beat you", Gilinsky shouted as Johnson just smirked, you walking out of the green room and down the hall towards the meet and greet. You were surprised to feel an arm wrap around you then a figure run infront of you.

"Hey, babe".

"Jack, I'm not your girlfriend".

"Jack, I'm not your girlfriend", he mocked you, pecking your cheek giving an explosion to happen in your stomach. "And that kids is what you call true love", you heard from the intercom then only walked a few more steps to hear screaming and Johnson with a live camera.

"Jack Edward Johnson, you were recording us".

"Well, duh", everyone laughed as you hid your head in Jack's chest. Probably not the best place, but the closest. "Who's ships us?", Jack asked through the microphone as most of the meet and greet raised their hands or screamed.

I'm guessing that's a yes.

Jack cleared his throat as everything got silent. "Well, Y/N, I've liked you for so long and you've chose to deny it, but I'm pretty sure your feelings have grown too, over the past year's, I've been so grateful that Johnson brought you that one day to hang out, otherwise today wouldn't be happening. Y/N, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?".

"Y-yes", he smiled bringing you into a hug, slightly lifting you off the ground. "And this last ever episode of I ship it, ends today, folks", Johnson said making everybody, aw.



"I've always liked you".

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