//Sam Wilk//

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You had your arms wrapped around Sam's arm as he opened the door to enter the diner. "My lady", Sam pulled out a seat as you sat down smiling.

The waiter came asking you both for your drinks.  "Can we just get one large strawberry milkshake and that'll be all".

"Alright,  that'll be right out", she walked away as Sam looked at you as you spotted him.  "You know if you take a picture it'll last longer".

"Why take a picture when I have my memory,  y/n".

"You're so cheesy ", he smiled at you grabbing your hand from across the table.  "And here's the milkshake, do you guys wants to order ?".

"No, we're fine right now", Sam replied to the waiter as she nodded leaving the table. You took a sip from the milkshake as Sam turned his head to see who came through the diner doors.

"Get down".

"Sam? ".

"Y/n get-".

"Wilkinson! ", a group of boys came up to Sam as they all just looked at you smirking. "Can I help you all?", you asked.

"Actually you can, how much do we owe Sam? ", you furrowed your eyebrows as Sam looked at you shaking his head running a hand through his hair.

"Can you all just -", you interrupted Sam.

"No keep going, what exactly do you owe him money for? ", they all gasped as you crossed your arms over your chest waiting for an answer. "I'm sorry to break it to you babe, but you were just a bet to see if Samuel here would go out with a nerd like you".

"Oh", you looked up at Sam with your eyes watering.  Grabbing the milkshake you poured it over Sam's head as all his friends oohed and snickered.

"Good-bye Sam", you walked out,  with Sam behind you.  His face had tears running down as you just looked at him.

"Y/n,  listen at first you were just some thing for money,  but after a week or two I honestly fell in love with you".

"Well, make some better friends and save it for the pillow and maybe a new girlfriend".


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