//Jack Gilinsky//

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"I will seriously kill you if you touch me with that". You threaten Jack as he was holding a big spoon with cake batter on it. The cake was for Johnson he wanted a small get together, but obviously didn't know how to bake.

Jack was going to touch you with the spoon and he kept on teasing you with it. "Jack, I'm being serious if you touch me with that. I'll...I'll". You thought for a second, "I'll what?", Jack had gotten closer to you.

"I'll date that guy you don't like, what's his name, um. Zach!",you smirk. "Okay, okay. I won't touch you with the spoon, just please don't date that asshole", Jack pleads.

"Shut up", you laugh. You and Jack were playing around his kitchen. You got flour in your hair along with Jack as he did too. You got some flour putting it on Jack's cheeks as he put it on your nose. You guys looked at each other for a few seconds, you were about to kiss until the timer beeped on the oven.

"What's next?", Jack winks. "Maybe this", you say as you put  flour all over his face, running away. "Alright, I'm definitely getting you back this time", Jack says starting to chase you.

As far as the kitchen; it was a complete mess. Jack kept throwing flour while you threw eggs. You guys were having a good time, I mean you could say you and him were "just friends".

You both flirted a lot with each other. You tripped making both Jack and you fall onto the kitchen floor. You landed on top of him, leaning in you kissed for a few seconds. Someone came into the kitchen. Johnson.

"Whoa guys. Let's keep it PG-13", Johnson said walking away.

From that day on, you and Jack developed a relationship no one could ever possibly have. You were both weird and quirky, but in a good way.

You know?

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