//Jack Gilinsky//

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*Short imagine*
Miss me?

Jack had came home from the studio as you heard the door close and his keys jangle out of his hands, you smiled still kind of in sleep mode. You heard your bedroom door open and saw Jack who smiled at you, showing his pearly whites. You rolled back up in the blankets like a burrito as Jack crawled up on the bed making sure to not put all his weight on you.

He kissed down your neck and whispered in your ear, "did you miss me today, because I missed you a lot", before you could respond Jack playfully bit down on where your neck meets your shoulder making you groan. "You better say yes".

"I was, but no", he scoffed ripping the sheets off your body, picking you up bridal. "Jack!", he spun in a circle then lightly placed you back on the bed.

"Y/n...I love you".

"I know".

"Don't you love me?".

"No, I strongly adore you".

"Okay...I can work with that, as long as I have you".

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