//Jack Gilinsky//

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You just drew as you observed his face from a close view. He just sat there enjoying the end of school and hello fall break. Wind had picked up little by little making the papers on your sketch book go crazy. Eraser shavings were everywhere, but after they were blown by the wind, a sketch of, him, showed.

Jack Gilinsky.

He's apposed to the title of 'bad boy' or 'player', but you've seen him. His house was right next to yours, Jack Gilinsky is a gentleman. You don't know what really drew him to you, it's just something about him that catches the human eye.

He just sat on a bench playing with the strings of his grey sweatshirt, his eyes would glance at you, but it was before you could witness it. You could feel it, somehow.

"Excuse me?", you looked up knowing it was him already, no one else had been at the park since July, it was the middle of October. "Yeah?".

"You're my neighbor, aren't you? Y/n, right?".

"Yeah", you nodded your head realizing your sketch book was open and his eyes just stared at the sketch. "Jack, it's ugly".

"No, it isn't. It's a beautiful piece made by a beautiful girl", his index finger traced the outline of the picture while a small smile appeared.

"Can I walk you home?", Jack asked without any eye contact, just randomly out of the blue. "Um, sure. I can't really protest thought, we live righ next to each other", his hand rested on top of yours, 'accidentally'.

Ever wonder what's going on inside a boys head?

Me too.


"Thanks", you looked down at your shoes then back up at Jack who's face was a light shade of pink from the cold wind. "Your welcome", you turned back walking away farther and farther from Jack.

"Wait, y/n!".

"Yeah?", your hand was on the doorknob as Jack ran up to the porch and stood infront of you, towering you.

"Wanna come over later?", he blushed putting his hands in his pockets.

"I would love too", he became silent as you both stood there...in an awkward silence. "See you later", you just gave a small smile which then exploded into a big one with butterflies as Jack kissed your cheek.

"Oh, um...okay, bye Jack".


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