//Nate Maloley//

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I need you.

"That's it, I'm done with you Nate. You're never here for me, it's always that twat of a roomate you have", the words that came out of maybe, Nate's ex-girlfriend were bittersweet.

"Babe, come here".

"No, don't touch me. I'm done, that's it, we're over, Nate Maloley. Now I regret my descison of choosing you over John", you heard footsteps through the halls, next thing you know doors are slamming and you hear something hit the wall.

"Not again", you sighed. Nate has been known to punch things and this time it just happened to be his room wall. In a quick manner you opened the door and saw him 'lifeless' on the bed. His eyes were red as he lifted up his head a bit when you entered his room.


"Y/N, come sit", you were scared, but just went along for his sake and sat on his bed as he layed down behind you. "We've been friends for a long time, you trust me right? ".

"Sure, yeah".

"Okay, I'll be gentle, I promise", you were confused on why he said that, but until you could think about it more his lips were attached to yours. "N-nate, what are you doing? ", with your hands on his chest, you could only push both of yours guy's lips centimeters apart.

"What I need to do?".

"Don't make me a quickie".

"I won't, I live with you. How do you expect me to do something like that? I do know one thing for sure".

"And that is?".

"I need you".

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