//Nate Maloley//

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Victoria Secret model.

You sipped on your coffee ready to go home after the show. Having only undergarments on and a robe, someone just had to knock on the door. "Are you....", the man looked at a list as I just crossed my legs waiting. "Y/n?".

"Yes, and you are?".

"An assistant. I'm an intern and I chose the first person on the list which happened to be you", the man was nervous, dropping his pen on the floor making you giggle. "Um, your name is?".

"Nate. Nate Maloley, nice to meet you".

"Take a seat. I'm just getting ready to change and go home".

"Oh, um should i-I go out, so you could have privacy?", I pointed to the mini closet, if he wanted to leave. "I'm a Victoria Secret model, my job is basically to change infront of people".

"That kind of explains the whole wing thing you got there".


Your house.

"So, we could just hangout right now. I don't want my personal assistant to feel like they don't get a break from anything, just treat me like you know, one of your friends".

"All my friends use girls, get drunk and high".

"Oh, then um...I don't know", you bonded instantly after the awkward talk, by watching Jane  the Virgin. You yawned realizing it was midnight and Nate had fallen asleep.

Smoothly getting up from the couch you grabbed a throw blanket and lightly placed it on Nate who was apparently a heavy sleeper. You smiled to yourself.

This is going to be very interesting.

Nate Maloley.


This is eh!

If u want to request something go ahead because I'm losing ideas.

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