五 Five (Go)

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Love is the answer to everything, it's the only reason yo di anything. If you don't write stories you love, you'll never make it. If you don't write stories other people love, you'll never make it.

Ray Bradbury.


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Miss Murty...are you enjoying the view...??
Or is there something which only you can see but not us.... I heard a voice a very faint voice...seems like someone is speaking from distance.

Hmm....I unknowingly responded still focusing my attention outside the window watching a random tree while sitting in the class totally lost..unaware of the surrounding.

I slowly turn my head only to find Mr Nim bending at my level trying to follow my gaze...

Omg...!! I almost freak out...moving back a little hitting Navya while Mr Nim had his confuse expression on.

What's so interesting there Miss Murty tell us too...we want to be amused too...he said fixing his glasses walking back to the podium.

While the whole class had their eyes at me...including monster and ofcorse he was smirking...that dirty smirk.

N..nothing sir...I managed to speak.

Standup....he shouted making me squeal.

I quickly stood up not daring to look into teacher's eyes.

You will stay..after school get over and clean the classroom...I will check personally tomorrow... He said with a stern face...on which I mentally face palm.


Not a word....you may sit now...he ordered.

I just nodded and sat down cursing my life.


So here I was...standing in the empty classroom with a broom and floor cleaner with a bucket of water..

I walk back and forth..stretching a bit...before starting my work...

I grabbed the broom and started to mop the floor when I felt I am not alone....

Nandini...Nandini...oh dear Nandini....I heard monster evil laugh....who was standing at the entrance leaning to the door..he never called me by my real name...what he is up to..

Why are you here??? I said rolling my eyes.

You will find it soon but for now...just let me watch you...pretty commoner... He smirk...that dirty smirk...as he walked further approaching me.

Don't move....I said holding broom more tightly.

You wish....he walked more further...with every step he took I step back until I was blocked by the wall...retaining me to move further away.

What do you want??? I asked looking into his eyes...which were dark and intense.
You...he said holding both my hands and pinning them above my head.

My heart was acting like a maniac...it was going crazy. .his words affected me touch..his touch making me shiver..

I wanted to run..but at the same time I wanted to feel more...inhale more of his cologne...

My mind was not in right position I just watch him as his free hand came contact with my skirt...and slowly slid into my pocket (a/n: we all know we have pocket in skirt) and very easily he stole my phone which was in my pocket.

With that he let go me....leaving me all mess...with racing heart....and heavy breath as he started to walk out but only then I realize he was not done yet...he locked the door from outside leaving me alone in the class...without my phone....

Hey...monster what are you doing...I ran to the door but too late it was already locked...all I could listen was his monstrous laugh.

Have fun commoner....see you tomorrow.... With that I heard his footsteps fading away.

No..no..please no...come back...please dont leave me alone....I screamed with all my strength.

But all I could hear was the echo of my voice in the empty classroom.

I kept yelling and banging for next half an hour...but all went in vain with no help in return.

I had huge urge of crying....how could he...how.....and most probably its all my fault...why I act like a coward when he treats me like a shit..why can't I just push him away....why...???

I felt tearing flowing out....one, two then like flood...

Someone get me out of here...I muttered while sitting on the floor.


It was already dark...when I looked at my watch it showed 8p.m.....I was locked since four hours....I was hungry...I was tired....my muscles were all weak...I tried everything but all get back was failure.

I sat at the corner hugging my knees...silently praying...although I was hopeless... I just wish that my mom and dad will be fine.

I cannot take endure it anymore.


It was already morning when I slowly opened my eyes.... I was stuck since last night...when I check the time...I realized it was still six...two hours to start school.

I felt like fainting....I couldn't feel my legs...but somehow I managed to stand up and walk to the door...

Luckily I heard someone's footsteps...
Anyone...please...someone open the door I am lock here....open....please I bang harshly using all my strength.


Sorry again....for not providing Manik'pov...🙏




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