十三 Thirteen (Ju Saan)

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Love consists of this : two solitude that must, protect and greet each other.

Raines Maria Rilke.


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Manik Pov#

"Ahh..seriously where is this little nerd...last time I saw her talking to Mrs. Nim our homeroom teacher after that she disappeared"..... I ruffled my hair in frustration.

I kept looking for her like every where I could...but to my surprised I couldn't find her. I had to talk about Snehlata...about the girlfriend thing...but this girl seriously knows how to get on my nerves.

Now only library was the place I didn't looked for...I walked up to second floor where library was.

But the problem was I didn't entered into library in my entire school life..what could a kingaa...a play boy will do in a library....that will seriously affect my image my cool image...but I gotta do this.

I stood there.....holding the handle...the scene from the movie main hoon na...start playing in my head where the actor Zaid Khan goes with the same situation...how he imagined temple bell and tilak on his forehead followed by girls doing aarti...I started imagining the same thing.

Ahh....I shook my head and entered the library.... "Wow this place is nice" I muttered to myself.

When I scan my eyes...I saw commoner sitting with Aaryaman...she seems to be happy...she was talking and laughing... I felt something in my heart... I couldn't understand the feeling... But I did what my heart said.

I pulled the chair beside commoner and sat beside her.

"Hey commoner".... I hummed while glaring at Aaryaman....which he glared back.

"Wha..what are you doing here?". She jumped from her seat....standing away from me.

I felt a stab in my heart...how terrified she get when I go near to her.

"What do you mean by..what I am doing here.. I was looking for you"...I said while approaching her.

I saw her moving back.."dont come near to me".

By the time I can sense students gaze at us.

I felt bad...she is scared of me...

"Nandini..why??".....I said nearly my voice crack maybe I can breakdown any time.

"No..please stay away from me".....I heard her saying before she exit with Aaryaman following her behind.

My heart sank....I never felt ignored and this broken before..

I kicked the nearest chair....in frustration and exited the library.

I made my towards our secret hideout....that hideout only us 'fab5' knows... we use this when anyone of us want to be alone.

The hideout is next to old music room which is now abandoned and you can barely see any student. The old music room only has a ragged brown piano left with sheets covering it...sometimes I try to play but never succeed so I left it as it is.

But I wonder sometime other than us...some one else come to the old music room cause few days back I saw dust been brushed off from piano cover and stool was placed before the old brown piano...but never knew who.

I opened the door and entered to our hideout.... It has nothing just few boxes which we use to sit with a shaft, only source of light.

Mostly we hide our stuffs here.. Like Dhruv's paintings with some paint colors and sketch colors.

Cabir's electronic gadgets like headphones, his tab and few other things.

Mukti hide all her music sheets before she couldn't keep it in her room cause her parents are not in favour of this...while she also has a guitar which is place near the shaft.

Aaliya....she barely come here...but still he had her cosmetics and mirrors....which I sometime wonder why...?

While me...I had some stuffs which are prohibited... We all use them....but I am in charge to bring them and hide them here.

I sat down on of the box and grabbed a packet of cigratte from under the box.

Yeah...I am in charge of these stuffs...

I place one between my lips and grabbed s lighter from the same place from where I took out a packet of cigratte.

After lighting it.....I inhale feeling my lungs with the air....trying to reduce the pain...as the seen kept playing where she went out with Aaryaman following her behind.

My mind linger back to the class where...I teased her....but it wasn't teasing for me as well...she isn't the girl....I would like to play...but why..??

As I kept smoking....I kept thinking about that thing.

She is different... Not like others....her touch shivers me...I can barely make my hand place there...my hands kept shaking.

I can't play with her....

Why my heart keeps getting so loud... It doesn't go anywhere....but only to her...

What is this???

"Is this the beginning of my story??" I asked to myself as I slowly dropped the cigratte... Crushing to my feet.


Hey people out there..
Are you guys doing well??
Well..I am not....I nearly lost my original voice...😭😭
I have severe cold and cough...I hate it....I hate being sick...😷

That's why I delayed the update.
Mihane ( sorry)




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