三十二 Thirty Two ( Saan Ju Ni )

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Love is a seed that has to be watered with effort and consistency look thereof will between two souls to burn out.


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( Few day after camp... Back to school )

Manik Pov#

I nervously sat on my bed...the feeling was mixed last day of school and a love confession.

Yes...today I am gonna make my love confession... I will accept her decision whole heartily whether its her love hate or nothing...I will respect that but keeping that love to myself is not helping it at all.

I looked at the roses which I brought to give her after my confession...I got two colors red and yellow...

"What color should I give?".... I questioned myself.

Cabir told me give red cause I am confessing love...but I am still not confident...what if she gets angry ..

"Ahh so much chaos".... I ruffled my hair in frustration.

I walked towards the mirror eyeing myself... I want to look like a pure gentleman today... I want to impress her. But that's too late for now I guess.

Taking a comb I parted my hair to side ways neatly placing them not like before when it use to be fallen over my eyes.

Satisfied with my hair I grabbed my blazer wearing it...then carefully placing the both red and yellow roses in the inner pocket of blazer making sure not to crush them.

"I should text her now"... I muttered picking up my phone from nightstand.

"Meet me at school terrace before school starts"

Clicked send..

I clutched my phone tightly an uneasy feeling started engulfing me as I sensed my hands sweating.

"Manik calm down breath in breath out...yes you can do it"... I motivated myself walking up and down to my room.


Nandini Pov#

'Meet at school terrace before school starts"

I read a text from monster.

I wondered why he need to see me..like after we returned from camp we didn't talked so its kinda strange.

Shrugging the thoughts I typed "OK' and clicked to send.

I entered the school campus holding my blazer tightly as cold breeze pass by me.

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