三十七 Thirty Seven ( Saan Ju Shichi )

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Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.

Antoine de Saint -

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Authors Pov#

That night wasn't normal night for Nandini. Sleep was no where in her eyes all she did was keep changing her position on bed but still couldn't feel comfortable.

Her brain remembered only one thing I LOVE YOU NANDINI no matter how she tried to forget that she couldn't. She was happy after knowing about monster's true feelings but on the other hand she was upset, frustrated and confuse.

Thinking about Manik was only thing she was doing ever since she lay on her bed. Now replaying the scene with her parents during dinner time.


"He was your friend who came when you were not home?".... Her father asked picking up his spoon.

"Manik?"... She asked with her wide eyes.

"Yeah..I don't remember his name"... Her father said not looking at her.

"No..he isn't my friend we are just class mate".... She said not able to define their relation as it was unnamed.

"Oh... But I will suggest you to stay away from him I don't like that boy"....her father's face scrunched a little on remembering his attire.

"Appa he isn't that bad just a little clumsy"..... Nandini's heart sank a little after hearing her father words.
Unknowingly she tried to defend him in every way.

Hearing this her father eyed her making her go nervous but the next thing brought smile on her face.

"If our daughter says so then I am sure he isn't that bad"

Nandini let out a sight of relief.

End of flashback.

Staring widely at the blank ceiling she found her helpless as with every passing time her heart beats takes his name.


"Nandini".... Manik yelled her name while sitting on his bed waking up from his bad dream. Beads of sweats formed on his forehead as his heart had a uneasy feeling.

Switching on the nearest light he relaxed a bit realizing it was just a dream a very bad dream. Gulping the water down his throats he lied down again but this time his heart wasn't relax like before it was fast and uneasy. He wanted to check on her..making she was all right.

Looking at the clock it showed 4 am..he couldn't show at her house at this time and that too with her father's presence in the house too. Thinking of his father make him shiver automatically he never wants to see him again.

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