十五 Fifteen ( Ju Go)

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The moment we began to seek love, love began to seek us and save us.

Paul Coelho


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"By the way why were you following me?".... I asked him while helping him to walk with his arms around my shoulder.

"Who..Who said I was following you?"...he got nervous.

"Really... I don't believe you"....

"Yah..commoner don't keep you hopes high".... This boy knows very well how to spoil my mood.

"Shutup...I am helping you here and you are being mean".... I said as I let go of him.

"Yah..what are you doing?? Give me your hand hurry"... He shouted while struggling to stand up without my support.

I laughed at him as he tried to hold me pulling me closer.

The rest of the way we were quiet..none of us spoke...the aroma between me and him wasn't uncomfortable but it was calm and good.


By the time we reached my house I wondering should I let him in or not..but he is injured..suddenly all the values my parents taught me came into my mind... Like we should always help injured person .. We should be kind blah..blah...

"Why are standing here... Take me in..my legs are hurting"...he whined like a child.

I mentally laughed at his childness and after long debate I decided to take him in.

I let him sit on the sofa while I stretched myself...

"Ahh...you are so heavy I cannot feel my arms".... I complaint looking at him.

While all he did was smirk...yeah the same dirty smirk...which I hate but what's happening....that smirk didn't look dirty today...I was kinda liking it.

Wait....what....no..no..never... I murmured to myself.

"Yah...stop talking to yourself and bring a class of water for me"..... He ordered like I was his maid...but that's not what surprised me ... Me following his order and turning to kitchen.

"Wait....why...why I will bring a glass of water for you? Do it yourself".... I said while dropping myself into the next couch.

"But I am wounded...I can't walk".... He said pointing at his leg.

I almost forget about his wound I hurriedly bought a glass of water for him which he gladly accepted and ran to my room to grab first aid kit...to treat his wounds.

"Here..place your leg"....I said while tapping at the coffee table.

He eyed me suspiciously but obeyed.

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