二十二 Twenty two ( Ni Ju Ni )

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This is me today, but take heed ; it is not the same me as yesterday and it will not be the same me tomorrow.


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Nandini Pov#

I along with that jerk...monster who else was sitting in starbucks waiting for her so called fake friend with her partner. Well it was already past half hour but she didn't showed up yet.

I was fuming in anger from inside because I didn't wanted to get involved in such dramas but sadly I am now involved...all thanks to monster.

I looked up at monster his gaze was fixed somewhere else...I tried to follow his gaze but his words stopped me.

Authors Pov#

"Kiss me".... The boy spoke with so much intense in his eyes.

"What...no".... The girl back away not able to understand the situation.

"I will repeat once more...kiss me"... Boy was firm with his words his gaze capturing the eyes of her girl sitting beside her.

"In your dreams.... She was nervous but didn't wanted to show.

"Okay...don't blame me later.. The boy spoke as he leans forward closing the gap.

The situation become heated..both of their heart was rising...but none were aware of their inner feelings.

Nandini got frozen at her place as she saw Manik coming closer with every passing second the distance between them were fading away.

Nanini's heart was at her high...her mind went blank as he rob hers...she was clueless how to react but slowly she closed her eyes waiting for the effect...the one thing she had never experienced in her life.

She can feel Manik's hot breath on her lips and slowly his lips brushed with hers....she felt thousands of butterflies flew inside her stomach... She wanted more....but before it could deepen...it was interrupted when someone cleared their throat beside them.

Manik..back away not looking at her and saw her female friend standing with her partner with a smile but glare in her eyes.

Nandini wanted more...she wanted to feel more of his lips on hers...she was disappointed with sudden interruption.

It lasted for few seconds but that made her blush making her face look like tomato. She wasn't able to think straight. This was something she wanted with someone special... Whom she loved dearly..and Manik stole her first kiss and for the first time she wasn't regretting this.

She watched Manik greeting her friend and asking them to sit while she was still occupied with all thoughts. She could still feel his lips...she had never being closed with any boy before. She had build an invisible walls around herself and she didn't allowed anyone till now to break them...and now they were broken...yes Manik broke them.

So that's how it feels to be kissed...

Both of their face were red, both of them were not able to look straight..Manik's eyes were looking at his fingers while Nandini's were looking at her lap.

For Manik...the kiss wasn't for first time...he had kissed several girls in the past....but with such feelings he had encountered for the first time. He felt sparks...as his lips brushed against hers. They were different like whiskey..like he was going to get addicted to it. He loved the way her lips trembled against his. And for now he couldn't get over from her and from that peck.

"Looks like we disturbed the love birds".... Snehlata said between her teeth after she settled down.

She tried her best to act sweet but her eyes showed all hatred which got Nandini's eyes.

Manik and Nandini both were embarrassed and she was not at all helping to make the situation smooth instead she made it worse.

"Excuse me....I have to use washroom ".... Manik exited the scene.

While Snehlata's partner got a phone call he went to pick up leaving Nandini and Snehlata alone.

Nandini Pov#

"So how's it going?".... She asked.

"What?"... I didn't got what she said.

"You and Manik baby"... She said folding her arms.

Manik baby...is she out of her mind....they aren't dating...and now she got boyfriend too and still she calls monster baby.

"What do you mean by Manik baby... He isn't your baby now"... I tried to be calmed as much as possible.

"So bitch you really showing your colors"... Her voiced suddenly changed.

I really got shocked by change in her attitude but it wasn't surprising at all cause I knew since before she was fake.

"Excuse me..mind you language and talking about true colors... I guess you are showing them now"... I rolled my eyes.

"Listen girl...this won't last forever. I will make sure that this love turned into hatred and it will happen soon"....she smirked

"Really".... I let out a small laugh...before continuing my sentence. " Try bitch".... I said in most cold tone giving my coldest glare.

She banged her fist on the table gaining people's attention... While I rested my back to the chair being calmed.

"You will pay for this".... With that she exited the cafe meeting her boyfriend outside as I can clearly..she nearly dragged him away.

I mentally laughed at my victory... And for making her pissed off.

Monster came back after everything happened. He saw me sitting alone and his expression got confused.

"Where did they go?"

"I dunno maybe they got to do some important stuff".... I said.

"Strange..she was one who wanted this double date thing"... Monster muttered to himself.


"Nothing...let's go"... He aid grabbing my hand and slowly his fingers intertwined with mine...making my claiming heart to race again.


Hey guys....sorry if you find this part boring. But personally I like this chapter.

Happy reading.
Love you all...😍❤😘😚

Tell me how's the cover up in the media..this one is made by @hiba_Atif as well.



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