二十五 Twenty Five ( Ni Ju Go )

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Love is like the wild rose-briar ; Friendship is like the holly tree. The holly is dark when the rose briar blooms, but which will bloom most constantly ?


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My brain yelled nothing but love....I couldn't accept this...never.

How can I fall in love with her she is not even my friend...no surely its not love...then what is it?

My thought process was long and deep I didn't even realized when I stood at front of commoner's house.

I stood there scanning the porch..urging to go but at the same time hesitant to move.

I am afraid to face her....being around her weakens me...but I will never admit she has any effect on me.

I don't know how longer I stood there not uttering a word not even moving.. My eyes glued at her front door which was locked securely.

I moved to back side of her house not having any plan...I did what my heart said..I watched her window it was shut... lights were on...after few minutes it was switched off making join shining brightly at her window pane.

I let out a sigh letting myself move away from her house as I took my lane with a heavy step.


Next morning which was tuesday I decided to go early so that I can talk with her or get some time alone with her.

My heart was steady just by the thought of it....but still I gotta do it.

I waited for her at the entrance gazing at my watch then to the lane which she always come from.

With every passing minute I got impatient I saw students passing by girls giggling and gasping at the sight of me... I even got ten boxes of chocolates and roses which I don't need to count. I dropped all to the ground.

"Aish... Where is she"?.... I muttered to myself eyes fixed at the road.

I kept looking here and there until I saw Aaliya with a guy...well I haven't seen that guy before... Maybe new boyfriend... I mentally rolled my eyes...she is just female version of me....with slight difference she is cute and I am rude.

I was about to laugh at my own joke when I saw her walking with a gloomy face but that bandage still stick to her nose...I wonder how hard I hit her.

DARK LOVE ( Obsession) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now