十四 Fourteen (Ju Yon)

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It doesn't matter who you are or what you look like, so long as somebody loves you.

Roald Dahl


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Manik Pov #

My deep thought was broken by the sound of piano echoing into the air...the melodious melody filled my ear soothing me.

I quickly went out from my hideout and peeked into music room...

That was unbelievable... I saw my girl....I saw her....Nandini...playing the old brown piano.

Wait...what did I said 'my girl'.

Her fingers ran through the piano keys like it was made for her...
Her eyes close.. She was looking like a goddess...

She was something I couldn't take my eyes off... A ethereal thing....I was afraid to touch her...afraid that she would fly away or break.

I quietly escape the scene..without making any sound...

I couldn't let this happen....I am Manik Malhotra the Casanova... I don't fall in love... I make others fall.

Back to Nandini Pov#

The school was over.....

I dragged my feet...towards the exit..

I really hate myself for thinking about that monster... No matter what I do..his face always popped in.

My heart was filled with guilt....the incident that happened in the library... And hoe rude I was to him...

Why my heart is like this...he always mistreat me...and when I get little bit of rude...I start feeling so bad.

"Aiyyaaapaaa..why".....I faked cry.

I made my way out of the school....I wonder where the monster is...cause after the library scene I haven't seen him.

After taking few steps....I felt like someone is following me.

I turned back....to look around..but to my surprise there was no one to be seen.

"Am I imagining things?"... I muttered and kept walking.

But still I got the same feeling of someone following me...but when I look back no one can been seen...its weird.

But the next I heard was a loud thud...which freak me out....

The sound when someone falls..the same sound....I was afraid to look back...it can be a ghost...

"No Nandu ghosts doesn't exit...be brave and look back"...I motivated my self.

And very slowly I turned back to look but the scene in front of me was the most pleasing scene I can ever see in my entire life....but I doubt same for the person in front of me.

The monster... Yes the monster was there laying one the ground with his face first... And not only that....he face was in the mud....yes in the mud...his hands either side and bag thrown away.

I did the thing which normally all people would do....

I laughed... I was dying out of laughter....I didn't knew what to do in that very moment....I laughed like there is no tomorrow.

Actually I laughed so hard that I had tears in my eyes.

I looked at the boy laying in front of me....he slowly lifted his face up....I moved closer to him to getter better view and at the same time I took out my phone... Ofcorse I will click a pic.

The face was so hilarious.... His eyes, nose and lips and forehead were all covered by mud.

He didn't said anything but all he was doing was glaring at me....as if he will kill me right now.

But I care less... Because this is the best time to take a click.

"Ahhhaaa....someone is looking so handsome today"...I mocked and quickly snapped a pic.

"Ahh ... So pretty... Good boy"... I complimented him.

"Commoner...you will pay for this"....I heard him muttering.

"Did you say something?"....I asked controlling my laughter.

"Yes...help me".....

"What??".... I decided to irritate him.

"Help me".... I can sense his anger.

"Where is your please??".... I folded my arms.

I watched him..he was having a hard time in saying that word.


I went went surprised by his word...okay I need to help him.

I quickly bend to his level and and took out my handkerchief and a bottle of water..which I always carry.

I pour water in hanky and slowly started wiping mud from his face.

My heart pounded....the somersault... All type of dance ... Crazy.

I kept wiping till his face was all clean when I was done...I looked at him but to my surprised he was already looking he had a sweet smile played on his lips...the smile I never saw before....it was real and pure... He was actually looking innocent.

But when he realized I was looking at him he immediately turned his face away and that innocent smile went away too.

Focus Nandu focus.

Then I helped him to get up but seems like he has injured his leg...he couldn't walk properly.

He was about to fall but I helped him to stand back.

He looked into my eyes...it seems to pure..nothing dark and wild could be seen....just innocence.


I hope you will like this part....
I worked hard on this part.




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