二十三 Twenty Three ( Ni Ju Saan )

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I am falling in love with those eyes...but those eyes don't know me yet.


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"Lost my way"

"Found my way"

"Lost my way"

"Found my way"

My head kept repeating those lines as I walked into the corridor with lost expression.

"Aish....what's wrong with me"... I messed up my hair in frustration.

"There is no way...I have lost it...I am surely in my right way"..

Yes...that's true.

"Who lost whose way?"... I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around and saw Dhruv...the lost boy...who barely speak but always has sweet smile to his lips. He didn't talked much but whenever we make an eye contact he always flash his smile at me.

"Umm...None..I was just wondering"... I was still shocked with his presence.

"Ohhh...I see"... He said.

I was not over with the fact that..he was speaking with me...like he is always quiet....he speaks only when he is with fab 5...very choosy with people...I guess.

"So how have you been?"... His sudden question made me look at him weirdly.

Like yeah...we have never spoken to each other before and suddenly this....like I am confused.

"Umm..I am fine..thanks"... I said smiling. Trying my best not to sound weird.

"Good to hear that...but my friend Manik isn't in good condition".... His expression changed for mini second but quickly he gained his smile back.

I imitated his expression trying to be concern but sudden mention of monster name made my heart pump all blood into my cheeks...and heart banging loudly inside my chest.

"Why...what's wrong with him?"... I sounded normal. At least I tried with all sudden change in my body.

The boy eyed me closing making me feel uncomfortable he took a step closer observing my face. My heated cheeks got more heated as his eyes never leaving my face making me speechless.

I took few steps back maintaining reasonable space between us.

"Are you alright?".... I can sense concern in his voice.

"Ye..yes"..... I was out of my mind right now.

"You suddenly turned so red...so I got concern"....he said moving away back to his previous place.

And I secretly let out a sigh of relief.

"Well talking about...he is acting really strange and weird these days"... His brows frowned a little as he tried to explain about his friend strange act speaking further.

"Like yesterday we were gathered at his place when Cabir asked for a glass of wa" ..... He was interrupted with an another voice.

"So when I asked for a glass of water, Manik who was in deep thought all this before suddenly spoke Nandini drinks water too"... Cabir who joined the conversation spoke out with a mischievous smile on his face. While Dhruv nodded at his words.

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