七 Seven (Sichi)

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Darkness cannot drive out darkness : only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that.

Martin Luther King.


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Time to execute the plan...I murmured as I get out of the bed..as quietly as possible....making sure not to bother my parents.

I need to escape...it was already 9:15p.m.....I have already told Navya to wait for me at the alley....

So I quickly place the pillow under the covers to fool my parents and to make them believe I am sleeping.

It would be a bad idea if I use front door to escape so I choose my window....I quickly climbed up giving last glance at my room and slowly slid to the nearby pipe and jumped into the ground it wasn't that high.

Escaping plan...successful I mentally praise myself as I ran through the lane down to the alley to meet Navya I had my black trousers and black hoodie totally hiding myself inside the hoodie.

Navya....I jumped at her as I spoted her waiting for me wearing the same outfit like me and ofcorse with our equipment.....hockey stick and baseball bat.

Nandini are you sure...you wanna do this??....she asked handing me the baseball bat.

Yeah..why..?? I asked examining the baseball bat.

Nothing....if you are sure and me too sure....she hugged me...while I hugged her back.

Okay let's go....I dragged her with me to the Monster's place as he didn't leave far away....just few blocks away from ours.

I have heard before about the monster's father that he doesn't stay with them he is always overseas for some business work and also heard that he is very found of his father like very....and recently his father had gifted him an imported car on his birthday....to which he treats like his girlfriend... I have witnessed him kissing his car sometime and even talking.... He wouldn't allow anyone to lay hands on it...he is like so possessive for his car.

But to my surprised I have never seen him driving... Maybe he don't know to drive or he isn't legal enough to drive...but this isn't my concern....all I am gonna do is destroy his lovey dovey car...aww poor monster.


We were standing at front of his house.....no doubt he is rich his house is like mansion...he had guards...at the front gate who was half dozing....but still we couldn't take risk to we climbed the back wall and quietly slipped inside and made our way towards the garage....

You recognize his car...?? Navya asked looking around.
Yes...its black sports car...I stated.

Hey..look there....I pointed at the black sports car to my surprise it wasn't inside the garage...it was parked in the porch when I say porch...I mean huge porch.

I ran towards the car...while Navya ran to other way...as I told her to place the camera so that it can record monster' s pitiful face when he broke down by seeing his broken precious car.

I have to be quick.....I know once I hit it will make sound so....before breaking it..I took out paint spray from my hoodie and started scribbling on the car's body..



I purposely wrote that so..he won't have difficult time in finding who did this....

By the time I was done....I saw Navya running back to me...

Done??...I asked.
Yeah..I place it behind the bushes and I have checked it...it will capture front view perfectly... She said breathing heavily.
Good I thumps up....first lets punctured the tires...I stated while she nodded.

In next scene we were done with the all four tyres.....

Smack it....and break it....we both said monotonously.....as we lifted our equipment and then smash....

The car started making sound...

We need to hurry...Navga said... And I nodded.

She went back of the car and broke the window and hitting continuously while I take care of front portion ... Breaking the windshield...all windows ..mirrors...and hitting and bonnet for several times....

By the time we noticed light being switched on....

Come on let's go.....we hurriedly climbed the wall and jumped and ran down the alley while holding our equipments never stopping or looking back....while jumping and laughing ... Totally satisfied with our plan...as it went exactly like we want.

I..I can't believe I did this....Navya said between her breaths.
Same goes with me....I said while laughing.

We stopped once we came far away....

Can't wait to see monster reaction....I said.
Or maybe I can call him cry baby...I laughed while Navya followed.... our laugh echoed into the air....as if its enjoying at our victory.


Guys...tell me about the revenge... Do you like it....please tell me...what will be the Manik's reaction..??? Tell me...tell me....




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