十九 Nineteen ( Ju Kyu)

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Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war, love is growing up.

James Baldwin.


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Manik Pov#

We walked together to street, by looking at her I can easily say she was pissed...and her face was so gloomy. I like to tease her I don't know why...but when she is angry she looks too cute.

Every time she is around me my heart skip a thousand beat a minute she make me do crazy things. I act differently when I am with her.

Is he changing me to a good person?

I never felt this way before. But with her it was different. When I saw her in her morning clothes with her hair messed all over. I can't event tell how I controlled myself not to kiss her..not to hold her in my arms.

"Where are we going?"... She interrupting my thought with her sweet voice filling my ears.

"You will find out soon"... I can't help but smirk.

She just rolled her eyes...and I watch her in amaze.

Nandini, why are you shaking my heart?

No this can't happen...no I can't let this happen she isn't even my type. I cannot think of her in that way. I am just being insane its nothing like that.
Yes...I have no feelings for her.

After few minutes of walking we finally reached to restaurant since we haven't done our breakfast.

"Let's go in".... I pulled her with me.

I wondered why she wasn't talking much. She was being so quiet ever since we headed out.

We reach for table and took a seat.

"Waiter".... I shouted since I don't need to look into menu cause I often come to here.

I looked at commoner she was reading the menu with all attention.

I admired her for few seconds but suddenly snapped out. "What am I doing?"... I muttered to myself.

Back to Nandini Pov#

I focused my attention at him when I heard him ordering food...it seems to be endless. I don't even remember how much he ordered.

My mouth open in wide when he said these all were for him.

"Commoner what will you like to have?"... He asked in a polite tone.
I startled a bit cause he never had being so soft with me before.

"Um...I would like to have a bowl of noodles".... I said looking into the menu "with a glass of orange juice".... I added.

"That's it?".... Monster raised his brows.

"Yeah.. I am not monster like you"... I gave him a disgusted look while he just chuckled.

We waited for our food to arrive. It was getting awkward since none of us spoke. I can sense monster taking glances at me now and then and yeah ofcorse I was doing the same. Now dont ask me why..cause I don't have answer for this.


Thank fully god listened to my silent prayers and food arrive. Well more than half of our table was full because of monster's order. He ordered really too much.

I just watched him while I hold fork in my hand. He was digging into his food like he didn't ate for ages.

I couldn't help but smile at his action he never fail to smile me with his cute actions.

I started eating my noodles I was in between when I heard him sighing. I quickly looked at him he was done with his food in half an hour he finished all the food.

I have never seen anyone eating so much in my entire life.

"Yah...hurry we don't have all day left"... He said as he wiped his face using a tissue.

I nodded and started stuffing my mouth with noodles. I was in mid when I heard him calling my name.


I looked at him with my mouth filled with noodles some falling out and before I could react he snapped a picture of me.

I swallowed the food and jump from my seat shouting at him to delete the pic.

"Never"... He laughed looking at his phone.

I tried to snatched phone from his hand but I failed.

"Delete now"... I glared at him.

"No..I am gonna upload on instagram"... He showed me his evil grin.

I was so mad....but I didn't said anything instead I got up and went outside.

"What the hell he think of himself he always make fun of me and I being dump always falls into his trap"... I murmured to myself folding my arms.

Few minutes later I felt him standing next to me. I didn't looked at him I tried to ignored him.

"Go pay the bill".... He said handing me the bill.

At that time...I couldn't do anything except to stare at his ugly face.
He didn't even let me grab my wallet and now he is saying me to pay the bill.

And why would I pay... He was the one who ate like monster.

I didn't answered to him just move away from him walking to opposite direction.

I was so mad... If killing wasn't a crime he would have been so dead by now.


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