十 Ten (Ju)

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I fell in love the way you fall asleep, slowly and then all at once.

John Green.


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Nandu.... Navya yelled from the corner when I was walking in the corridor making my way to the locker.
I waited for her...till she catch me...as she came running clingy into my shoulder.

Guess what?? She sounded excited as always.
What?? I asked keeping my head low.

I got the camera...and it has all recordings....perfect and clear ... She grinned ear to ear.
Huh...really... It captured all?? Although I wasn't interested but I tried my best to show my excitement...but she was quick enough to catch.

What's wrong....you sound so low....she asked holding me.
Nothing....I am bit upset because amma and appa are away for business trip....I lied clearly...although it was a half lie...a part of me was upset.


It was recess.. I didn't saw monster since the morning....well its good...I can't bear his ugly face....but wait why my heart is beating in a rapid speed....

Ahh...its nothing....nothing....I made myself remembered.

Just then I heard loud giggle and gasping sound of girls....now I know he is here...Thankyou girls....I mentally rolled my eyes and made my way out of the cafeteria...since I cannot stand at same place with monster.

We came across to each other..... As usual he had his ugly smirk plastered to his lips and dirty personality on which all girls just go gaga.....

I looked at him and he was already looking....he didn't break the eyes contact so I broke and walked away as fast as possible...

The whole day....I kept avoiding him....he was around me a lot...by chance or by purpose I don't know....but wherever I go...I could feel his presence... He was just digging holes in my body with his stares.


Finally last period.....

I yelled in excitement as no one was around....

I just couldn't take this shit more....I had enough of monster and his stares...it just give me false hope...

Wait...what hope...??
Am I going insane..?
What I am thinking about??

Ahh....shrug it...

I sat quietly in my desk...and watched outside the window as students were still taking there seats...when I head the same gasps and giggle sound just like in cafeteria...

There he walked in....first scanning the class and then his eyes landed on mine....we made an eye contact...when nobody looked away...his smirk returned to his face... As he slowly made his pace towards me.....

And in next moment he was sitting beside me.

Get away from here....I hissed with all dirty expression.
You wish... He whispered into my ear... I gulp down my saliva at the feeling of his breath hitting my neck.

Yah!! This is Navya's seat....I glared at him.
Well..from now its mine....he blurted out still looking at me.

I just let out a sigh...I know there is No way he's gonna move now....so I decided to ignore him...like he is invisible.

I took out book and notebook for class and began reading...

He kept making disturbing noises like tapping the pencil on the desk....moving his chair...banging his foot....but nothing worked.. I didn't even took a glance at him..

I internally laughed at my victory as I can sense he was annoyed and irritated.

Yah! Commoner ... He shouted.


I am taking to you....


Are you deaf...


Commoner.... He shouted I can sense anger in his voice.

I still choose to ignore... I was enjoying it so much..all my sadness went away by seeing him so pissed.

The whole period I ignored him and what he did was he kept staring at me....it was so hard to concentrate...and ignore him...but I manage to that...and as soon as soon bell rang I quickly gathered my belongings and ran away from the class....while he kept shouting for me...

I smirked to myself...
Who does he think I am???? I flipped my hair as I walked out of the school gate.


I know...this chapter is a bit boring...but guys stay tuned....a lot it coming....on its way..😉



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