四 Four (Shi)

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Love is the voice under all silence, the hope which has no opposite in fear, the strength so strong mere force is feeble ness, the truth more first tha sun, more than stars.

E.E. Cummings


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"Can I sit with you?"...I heard a voice when me and Navya were in cafeteria during recess..I looked up to see the the new student Aaryaman holding a tray full of food smiling at us.

"Umm sure"...I said.
"Thanks"...he said as he settled down.

"I heard that you are new here too"...he asked while looking down at his tray.
"Yes...I hope we can get along well"...I said while munching.

"Guess what..I was thinking same"...he smiled.

We talk about random things.. Likes dislikes...and lot of stuffs...I was having great time..until I noticed monster gazing at our table..mostly glaring...sometime he would look at me then at Aaryman...he seems to be restless...and that was making me confuse.

"Guys...I will go to washroom so excuse me for a while"...I said while leaving Navya and Aaryaman alone.

I walked down to the corridor making my way to the washroom as there were no students since it was lunch time...

Suddenly I felt someone pulled and slammed me into the nearest wall...blocking my way..

I closed my eyes..at the sudden action..my heart beat increased...I quickly opened my only to look into monster's eyes..

If his eyes could kill...I would have literally dead ten times...it were so dark and wild...I tried to speak but words refuse to come out.

"Looks like someone is having fun'...he said in very harsh tone...very rude.
"Wh...what....??" I can't believe I slutter.

"Ahh...stop acting innocent..you nerd.." He hissed.

"What..ar..are y..you t..talk..talking about?"....I managed to say.

"Shutup...who said you can talk"...he said leaning forward...he was dangerously close to me..I can smell his cologne...it was so addictive...I inhaled sharply.

"No-one can have you...before me...I am always first....and always will be...after I am done with you..others can have you but till then...only I can lay my fingers on you....only I can make you smile...only I can laugh with you....got it...??" He said as his fingers ran through my jaw then traveled down to my neck and stopped right above my assets.

"Shut the fuck up"....I yelled pushing him..."who are you to tell me what I can do what not....listen you monster just mind your business and don't you ever think that I am one of those bitches who roam around you...throwing themselves to you...you can play with them..but never with me"......I gave last look and walk out from the scene...

Ewww...now I have to take bath..that monster touched me.


I was still not over with the incident that happened in the school...I was thinking even though I was in my room laying on bed...scrolling through instagram... Pretty much uninterested... As my mind was still replaying the seen.

Suddenly... I saw monster account...immediately I clicked on it...
10.50k followers...I gasped at this.
And..599 following...867 posts....man...he seriously need to chill...he had his privacy on..so I couldn't see his post...but it must be useless like him.

While I check mine...50 followers and 1 following and that's Navya...with only 5 post with random scenes.

Why people will follow such a jerk...I muttered.

"Aiyyaapaaaa....why me...why...I just want peaceful life with no monster... Had I wish for something which can't be fulfilled"....I yelled throwing my hands up when I saw a notification on my phone...


My eyes wide...I quickly click approve on Aaryaman's but left untouched of Monster request..

"I am never gonna approve you monster"... I said while looking at his profile .

"Bye world....gonna sleep...with sweet dreams and away from all bad monsters".... I giggled as I pulled my blinders.


Sorry to those who waited for Manik's view..maybe in next chapter I will give Manik's Pov too...just accept my apology this time..🙏




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