三十 Thirty ( Saan Ju )

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People deal with too much with the negative, with that is wrong. Why not try and see positive things to just touch those things and make them bloom.

Nhat Hang.

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Nandini Pov#

The chirping sound of birds was the first thing I heard before opening my eyes..

I was still clumsy from the sleep...until I felt something heavy over my head...shifting my gaze I saw monster sleeping soundly as his legs were folded cross and a jacket was laid over there...hands right above that.

I admired his posture for sometime smiling to myself...

But suddenly reality hit me...

"Where am I ??"

"What is this place?"

I panicked moving away causing monster to wake up.

"Will you stop shouting I am sleeping here".... I heard his morning voice and I tell you it was dam sexy.

But right now nothing matters to me...

"Yah...get up its not the time to sleep"... I sat down to him shaking his shoulder.

In return he just whined not opening his eyes.

"Get up.. We are still lost".... I shouted as loud as I can and shook him harshly.

In seconds he pushed me to the ground hovering over me...his eyes were open wide now and it was digging into my soul.

My breath hitched with all this...I couldn't register... I saw his face was wild and dark...something strange in his eyes.

"What are you doing?"... I try to shout but it came out as whisper.

Here I act like a coward again..

"What do you think I am doing?".... He said his eyes never leaving mine.

"Get off"....  I scoffed.

"Make me"... His evil smirked returned.

I tried to struggle under him although I know...its of none to use but struggling isn't bad..is it??

I felt his grip tightened into my wrist more then before...I felt sudden pain but I tried to endure it as I closed my eyes.

I felt him closing the gap as his warm breath fanned my face....the pain was gone now as my mind focus on how close monster was.

I opened my eyes and him only a inch away...his eyes travel down to my lips.... My heart lost all its control.... I was sure he could feel my heart beat as our chest was presses against each other.


My words were cut off as he placed his lips on mine....my stomach twisted at this... All butterflies jumped up and down.

My eyes closed as he started to kiss me...slowly then to a rougher way...it was my first time to be kissed like that...although he did before but it was just a brushing of lips but this was the whole different thing.

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