Bonus chapter

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*Chain of memories*

"Do you know how you look when you walk around with that your ugly face".... Manik giggled at his words.
"Yes and I bet I must be looking adorable as always..but wondering do you look yourself in the mirror today".... Nandini chuckled.
"I don't need to cause I know I am an heartthrob... Look how girls are staring while they are passing by".... Manik winked at few girls who were passing by giggling looking at him.
"Well...they are looking cause they got to see a gorilla walking in the school campus".... She tried to suppress her laugh.
"What did you said"... He sounded offended.
"Gorilla".... She repeats herself.
"Come here you little piece of shit"... Manik locked her head between his arms.
"Ahh..ahhhh...let me go".... She yelled from that position.


"You can hate me but you cannot ignore me".... Manik smirked.
"I am ignoring now...see"... Nandini said.
"You are just talked to me".... Manik laugh out.
"Shutup...I am ignoring you"... She sounded mad.
"You are not... And you cannot cause I am just too much for you to handsomeness".... He said like a diva after flipping his short hair.
Nandini rolled her eyes but couldn't help her from smiling.
"You are my cute mochi".... Nandini pulled both of his cheeks.
"Yahhhhh....I am not cute".... He said with a baby face.
" are my cutie pie".... Nandini pulled his checks again followed by a peck.
Manik eyes glowed with this..."okay I am cute but only for you"
He pecked her lips back holding into a bear hug.

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