二 Two (Ni)

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I walked to my locker with heavy steps...making sure Monster doesn't follow me.

After grabbing my book from locker I headed towards class...quite surprised there was nothing inside the locker like previous day...when I opened my locker...I found lizard crawling and my bad day..it jumped and landed on my hair...I freaked like an idiot causing lots of students to laugh and smirking monster with his so called fab 5...that was the day...I will mark as nightmare...well...that lizard thing lasted for few more days...since monster got to know about my weakness... He played lot of pranks but eventually it faded away thank god.

I quietly sat down and on my desk....when I felt someone covering my eyes....I know...I can feel it...

"Navya"...I smiled.
"Huh....how to you know...?"? She asked confusion written all over her face.
"Ofcorse.. You smell so bad...it obvious'....I teased her...which in return she whined and hit me.
"I didn't smell okay....just stop lying"...she defended.


I was walking to Navya with a tray full of food which I just bought from canteen...I can't wait to eat them...yay..

'Boooooooo"....someone bumped into me from behind and yelled right into my ear...causing me to jump a little and spill the food on the ground and even on my uniform.

I heard laughter of students and ofcorse I know who it is ...none other then monster...his laughter can be heard too..

I clenched my fist....my blood was boiling...how could he... Without thinking twice I turned around and punch him hard aiming at his right eye...

He stumbled back a few steps holding his hurt part...with mouth wide open...while other students started to mumble something.

"Serve you right"....I said with my calm tone and left them there only to walk away...while from inside my stomach was doing somersault....completely satisfied...with my action.


"Nandu...I can't believe you punched him"... Navya squeal from excitement.
"Or Ni to kya...bada ayaa monster kahi ka"...I said while we were heading out as it was time to go home.

Me and Navya turned around to see Mrs. Rai our English teacher calling for me.

We walked back to her..."yes teacher..?"
"Ahh...Nandini can you please bring thus notebook to junior wing class 4A?" she asked.
"Umm....yes sure"...I said yes although I wanted to decline.

In next moment I found my self holding those notebooks and walking towards junior wing and to go there I have to cross the whole play ground.... "Ahh".....I sighed... I Told Navya to wait for me outside the school...cause she was hungry and she said she will buy snacks...so I let her go...bad decision.

I step into the playground only to see monster playing football..."just walk quietly Nandu...no sound...Ye like that"...I kept muttering those words.

When I was right on the middle...I heard someone yelling...."watch out commoner"... I turn to look at him and then he kicked a balk toward me...

Oh No.....how will I defend....I am holding books.....
The ball come came with full speed but I was quick enough to tackle and step aside and save myself... After all I am Nandini Murty.

I placed the notebook on ground.
Time for revenge two...

I placed the ball in front of me and hit it with all my strength...

I watch as the ball flee into the air...and landing... Awwwwww....
Right at the window of principal's office....breaking glasses.

I shutter a little at the scene...one way to escape run....my mind ordered me and quickly grabbed the notebook and walked way towards the junior wing...while I heard monster shouting....

"Yahhhh....commoner come back....you did this....come here...commoner..."

I choose to ignore and never stoped until I placed the notebook at its original place.

There is no way...principal is gonna believe him...she knows how rude, stubborn and good for nothing his son is.....yeah the principal is monster mom...but she never goes easy on him....and I also heard that monster is scared only of his mom....she must be a smart woman....I thought.

Well the principal knows me well...she even think I am sensible and hardworking....she will never suspect me...yeah she will never....I wish for that as I walked out of the school.


Nandini be prepared for tomorrow.. He must be planning something...better be ready...I spoke to myself laying on the bed.

But wait....tomorrow is Saturday....that means...no monster.. No school..and no revenge....yay....I jumped out of the bed yelling...




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