二十七 Twenty Seven ( Ni Ju Shichi )

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There is always some madness in love. But there is also, always some reason on madness.

Friedrich Nietzsche

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Author's Pov#

"Okay class attention"... Teacher clapped her hand to get students attention.

The murmuring sound which can be heard seconds ago was replaced by silence and students eager eyes waiting for teacher's announcement.

"So bus will leave the school campus at sharp 7am...you got half an hours"... Teacher said loud enough for everyone to hear.

Silence was again overpowered by students buzzing to each other.

"Nandu sit with me in the bus"... Navya whispered into Nandini's ears.

"Ofcorse I will"... They both giggle to each other standing in the crowd with other students .

Manik's gaze was following each and moment of Nandini....although there was change in his behavior now but the change was ofcorse for good.


"Keep your luggage carefully inside the carrier carefully and hurry get in the bus".... Teacher shouted again.

Everyone was done except for Nandini...when she looked back she realized she was the last one in the line...

She was struggling with her luggage when suddenly a hand grip her bag and placed it along with others.

She turned back to say Thankyou but words didn't came out when her eyes met with Manik's. She couldn't say anything...although she wanted to but her mind went blank every time he was around her.

She hated those effects he had on her...she hated how her heart losses control around him...

Not uttering a word she walk past him climbing into the bus Manik right after followed her.

Her eyes scan the seat only two seats were empty one beside Navya and other beside Cabir...a small smile popped on to her lips as she chose to sit with Navya ....but before she could move further Cabir hurriedly left his seat and sat beside Navya.

The smile was gone as her mouth went ajar...she looked at Navya then Cabir....Cabir had a mischievous smile on his face was Navya was glaring at her.

"Hurry Nandini and Manik take you seat ...bus is about to start".... Teacher's voice made Nandini move towards the empty seat.


Her pounded whenever their shoulders brush was Manik was enjoying this closeness... He wanted to inhale her sweet sent and say her she was beautiful but he his urge has be controlled....he can't go weak so easily.

"Can't you maintain little distance"... Nandu spoke getting uncomfortable.

"Do you want me to fall off the seat"... He said with a frown face.

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