二十 Twenty ( Ni Ju)

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Love is anterior to life, posterior to death initial of creation and the exponent of breath.

Emily Dickinson

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I walked away..not caring about him and his bill.

"Yah...wait for me".... I heard him shouting behind me.

"Aish not again"... I muttered to myself.

"And yeah don't get mad at me I already payed the bill I was just teasing you"... He said ruffling my hair.

"Yah...what are you doing?"... I yanked his hand away and quickly fixed my hair.

He just smiled looking at me. I ignored him and kept walking with him ofcorse beside me. I don't know where were we going. We were just walking the breeze was nice and relaxing although it was noon but it wasn't sunny at all.

"Follow me"... He said taking the lead.

"To where?".... I asked getting confused.

"No questions"... He said placing his index finger on my lips.

I looked at him in shock. It wasn't that I didn't liked it...but why did I liked it. I should be hating it. But I like his touch. I am getting insane maybe I need a psychiatrist.

I moved back a little so now his finger was no longer on my lips.

"What if I dont want to follow you?"... I stated crossing my arms.

"Then still you have to follow"... He let out a laugh.

"Now way I am going there".... I said pointing at the amusement park.

"What no".... He frowned.

"Yes... And I am going now".... I said as I ran away.

"Yah commoner"... I heard his faint voice calling me...but I care less.

I was standing at the ticket counter but soon I realized I don't have a wallet.

"Two ticket please".... I heard a voice next to me.

When I turned my gaze to my surprise it was monster. My eyes widened in shock. Few minutes back he dont wanted to come here and now he is here buying tickets.

I didn't realize I was staring at him when he said "stop staring and let's go".

I snapped back to reality and just nodded following him.


"Let's ride that one".... I said pointing at roller coaster.

I eyed him.... His face changed from happy to fearful...his eyes widen but soon he brought back his smile.

"No let's go to some other".

DARK LOVE ( Obsession) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now