三十六 Thirty six ( Saan Ju Roku )

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Love - a widely misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and lips to puckle.


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Authors Pov#

Manik's fist balled in anger when he thought of Snehlata. He wanted to take revenge in many different ways.
He wanted to slap her punch her irrespective of the fact that she was a girl.

He thought of all the things he will say to Snehlata once he will see her face.
With every step he took the distance between him and Snehlata reduces.


"Manik baby".... Girl in a ultra short dress came running with the intention of embracing him.

Manik's expression was cold he was just done with the shit she has been causing ever since she came into his life.

"I am not your baby".... He spoke backing away to avoid having any skin ship with her.

"Baby".... She pouted thinking Manik will like and hug her in his arms but all she did was making Manik feel more hatred and disgusting towards her.

"Stop acting Snehlata".... He said stopping her before she could near herself more to him.

"What do you mean baby?"....

"I said don't call me baby"... This time it was more like growl which made her squint in her place.

"Why did you viral that video?"... He asked folding his both arms.

"What me?...No you know it was that nerd...Nandini".....

"Stop it.... Don't you dare call her like that".... His anger found no boundaries when she choose to insult his love.

He feel like killing her now and bring the end of this selfish girl standing right in front of him.

"But you know that she recorded you and made the video viral to revenge you".... She was very shocked realizing Manik already knows the truth.

All she had in her brain was to have Manik...to make him hers....she wanted him for herself. She can go to any bounds to make him fall in love with her and if she can't she have other ways too.

"I am innocent ba".... She was about to say baby but looking at Manik giving glare to her she stopped in mid.

Manik couldn't believe his ears after all this she still choose to act innocent. He wanted to slap her so hard.

"Innocent... That word don't dont suits you so stop faking around in front of me....you should be thankful that you are a girl or else till now you wouldn't have been standing in front of me".... He said inching closer to her.

DARK LOVE ( Obsession) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now