十一 Eleven (Ju ichi)

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Some night I can't sleep because my mind is consumed with the thought of how much easier it would be if you were here by my side.



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Manik Pov#

"Yah...commoner stop"....I shouted and ran after her...but she was fast enough by the time I reached the exit I couldn't see her.

"Aish"!!! I stombed my foot at the ground aggressively.
"I will get my hand on her later" .. I smirked to myself but immediately that smirked dropped when I saw Snehlata walking unknowingly towards the school gate.

"Oh man holy shit....what did I do to deserve this"...I mumbled to myself before looking back to her.

Snehlata was the girl dated for two weeks but eventually broke up when I got bore but she keep nudging to me and won't believe when I say ... I lost interest in her...I think she is self obsessed.

But that's not important right now....all I worried about how to escape from here...with out being caught by her....

I messed my hair as my eyes met hers...."FUCK IT"....I cursed under my breath.

In next minutes she was clingy ....throwing all her body to me at once.

"Manik baby....I was looking for you"..she said in her all fake voice.

"And why"... I asked while shoving her hand away from my neck...no wonder she was hot and sexy...but it just I had enough of it.

"Baby...I missed you that's why...let's go on a date"....her annoying voice filled into my ears making me choke.

"I already said I have no interest in you..why don't you stop bothering me..go away".....I pushed her farther away from me.

I was annoyed...and angry at the same time...she isn't ready to believe that we broke up...and still act like she is my girlfriend..."oh god help me"

I started walking away from her...but soone enough she started following me...as her heels made the sound tik tok...just like clock.

"I dont believe you...you are just not ready to accept your feeling regarding me...and if you are over me then prove me...since I cannot see any proof here"..... She said placing her hands on her waist with an evil smile.

Aish!! I hate this.

"What proof"??? I asked wanted to finish it right now.

"Why aren't you with another girl.. If you are already over then you must have new girl by your side... like always".... She spoke raising her pitch.

Well..she was right... I always have new girl by my side whenever I broke up....but this time it was different.. I never felt of dating..but why?.?.

"Um...I am dating...its just she is not with me right now".... I lied with a smirk.

He eyes popped out...with my response....she wasn't expecting this I guess.

"Oh really....then what's her name??"....she asked quick enough to return her evil smile.

Her...her...name is...Nandini..... I went shock at my own statement.


Back to Nandini Pov#

I dive into my bed all happy cause I made monster angry and annoyed.

Well then from now on....I will keep ignoring him...only to see his annoyed face.

I reach out to my bag to take out my cell phone which luckily monster had return that night when he went from evil to caring monster... But I was so out of my mind that couldn't check it.

I switched it on and after seconds I nearly screamed throwing my phone to the other end of the bed.

"What was that".....I muttered and reach for my phone.

That brat....he just set his picture as my wallpaper... I want to sue him...so badly now.

His ugly selfie...while winking....

Well...to be honest it wasn't ugly actually he was kinda looking hot.

Wait...what am I saying.

No..No...No...I Shook my head numerous times.

When I went into instagram.... I saw he had accepted his request from my account and even made me follow him.

I gritted my teeth...."this is what happens if you don't use password for your phone".

I layed down giving a call to Navya ..asking about the video...

Maybe we can enjoy together and laugh at his pathetic condition...

But why heart hurt at my own words...."laugh at his pathetic condition".

I placed my hand over my heart... I can sense it....the racing beats...his Name is enough to make me go crazy.


Chingus (friends).... I am totally messed right now....my favorite boy band had realised their new MV ( music video) and I can't get over it....helpeu guys...my mind isn't functioning properly.




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