三 Three (Saan)

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Love and hate have a magical transforming power..they are great soul changers...

George William Russel.


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"Shit..shit"...I cursed under my breath as I am saw monster walking into the cafe where I work as a part timer.

He had some random girl with him....who was overloaded with makeup..incredibly close to monster...as monster had his arms wrapped around her waist.

Act cool Nandini...just pretend you don't know him...I took a heavy breath and stand confidently as monster came up with that random girl standing right at front of me.

"Um..um"...I cleared my throat as they were busy staring into each others eyes.

Okay..I couldn't read his expression...he is surprised or shocked by seeing me it was difficult to tell but he was quick in being normal..pulling girl more closer to him...as his eyes locked with mine..and that dirty smirk never leaving his face.

What is he trying to prove...idiot..he thinks he can make me jealous...in dreams..monster.

'What would you like to order ma'am and sir??'...I asked with my polite tone although it was difficult but I attempted to be polite.

He looked at the menu for few minutes and turned his head to the girl with him...

"Baby...what would you like to eat??" He asked with all flirty tone.
Eww...it was so disgusting...I couldn't stand it more...actually I pity that girl..

"Ahh...americano with some fries.." She said in her high pitch voice...in return I gave a sweet smile but all I wanted to do was roll my eyes.

"And you sir...??" I asked to monster.

"Same as my girl"....he looked at her and back to me.

"Sure...it will be serve in few minutes please take your seat'...I said and turned away from them.

Ahh...really...that stupid monster .. I can see him smirking and staring at me all the time since he entered the cafe...and when I catch him staring...he wouldn't even turn away...
What the freak....????
Its annoying...
Just stop staring me...I wish I could shout...but I can't its my work place I need to maintain peace here.


"Nandu...which movie should we watch..??" Navya poked my arm as I wasn't paying attention to her.

"Just choose whatever you want.... I said hopelessly..."

as the cafe scene played into my head...


"I am watching you Commoner.. Just be careful...I am watching your every single step you are taking"...he whispered into my ear as shiver ran through my whole body making me weak...before walking out of the cafe he turned at me to give a wink and a flying kiss...which luckily nobody saw.

End of flashback.

"Nandu....this time Navya hit me..."where at you lost...???"

"Ahh..nothing..tell me which movie you choose??" I asked snapping back.

"This"...she showed me the DVD while grinning ear to ear.

"Fifty shades of grey???" I almost shouted with eyes wide .

"Shutup...she quickly covered my mouth..."you mom and dad may hear."

"Ohhh...sorry...I muttered but are you sure...??" I asked giving a questioning look.

"Ofcourse".. She smirk...reminding me of monster smirk...but hers was friendly one his are annoying, ugly and desperate one.

Minutes later we adjusted our self into my bed as the movie started.

Since it was Saturday night me and Navya planned to have movie marathon...and enjoying each others company to its full...like girls night out.


"Too bad...weekend ended so fast"...I muttered while sitting on my desk..with Navya beside me...but all she was doing was sleeping.

"Class....we have a new student here..." Mr Nim our homeroom teacher announced gaining everyone's attention.

Student started whispering soon buzzing sound can be heard.

"Silence"....Mr. Nim shouted to keep the students quiet.

"You may come in"....he said probably to the new student who must be standing outside.

I kept gaze at the door and then a boy walked in..with a sweet smile on his face...he look genuine.

"Introduce yourself"...Mr. Nim asked.

"Hello..my name is Aaryaman...I am transfer student...I hope we can be friends"...he smiled..while some students returned his smile while others glared...including monster.

"You may sit behind Nandini"...Mr. Nim ordered.
While he nodded and took a seat behind me.

The class went back to normal...but one thing was abnormal and that was monster gaze...ever since the class started I can feel his stares...but this time he would look away...when I looked at him...

What does he want...his stares are making me uncomfortable.


Guys.. do you want me to write Manik's view too...if so please tell me in the comment...or else I will continue with Nandini's.




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