Ch. 12

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(Liam's p.o.v.)

Katherine leaves the room and I get a little worried. I give Dani a glare anf go follow after her. I hear Katherine crying and my heart breaks. Dani messed up.. bad. I am done with her right now. She is just getting on my nerves so much. Hurting Katherine like this, she didn't even do anything!

I knock on the bathroom door, "Are you okay Katherine?" I call out.

"Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." She sniffles through the door. I can the pain she has through her voice. It kills me inside.

"Katherine, please talk to me? I want to help you." I say pleading her.

"No, I am good." She cries harder.

"I will come in there."

"No you won't.." She says proudly but hurting.

"Yes, I will."

"Well I'm not coming out."


"Becuase I'm not." She bluntly answers.

"Tell me why." I beg her.

"I don't want to talk about it." She cries to me.

I enter the bathroom and find her crying on the floor of a stall. I go to the door and talk to her some more.

"Tell me what you are thinking of please?" I ask.

"Why did Dani have to do all that stuff? I just woke up and she is acting like I tried to kill her!"

"She thinks all this nonsense. Picking stupid fights.. She is just trying to make you hurt. She is being a real bitch.."

"It's about me." She comfirms to herself.

"Don't worry about it, I am taking care of everything."

"I knew I had something to do with it all..."

"Please come out?"

She opens the stall door and stays sitting on the floor. I look at her and she is dabbing her arm.. I get really worried.

"Did you-" She cuts me off and replies with a yes. I get tears in my eyes and I go over by her. I get her to stand up and I embrace her in a hug. She holds onto me tightly like she is going to loose me. She hides her face in my chest.

"What did I do?" She mumbles into me.

"You did nothing. Dani can't accept the fact that I will be with you a lot."

"She hates me doesn't she?"

"No, she is jealous of you."

I tilt her head up to face me and kiss her nose. I just want to keep her safe in my arms. Protect her from all the hate she recives. She doesn't deserve any of it.

"Give me your arms." I whipser to her.

She streches out her arms and I look at all the cuts she has. I take her hand and bring her to the sink. I help her wash off the all the blood. I then kiss her arms wanting to make the scars disappear for good. I want to make all her problems disappear. I take a paper towel and clean off her thighs when I notice blood there too. I get down on my knees and clean them off. I study her though in a way too. The way she makes the cuts, making x's, a L which I am guessing is for my name..., then straight lines, just all these lines in so many directions. I can't believe she has been doing this.. my little Katherine.

"Babe.." I whisper to her. I look up at her and she forces herself to look at something other than me. Avoiding eye contact. I hate how she does this so much.

"I wish I could take the pain away, all the pain. I want to so badly." I get tears in my eyes again. I let them fall down my cheeks. I stand up and tilt her chin to look up at me. I got a sudden feeling to want to kiss her, kiss all her pain away. I want to so badly.

"You are so much better than this.." I remind her.

She shakes her head no and looka at the ground again.

"Look at me."

She looks up slowly and she has tears too.

"You will make it through this." I say to her.

She just nods, knowing she doesn't believe me. I lean down and kiss her. I couldn't help it. I want to make her feel better so bad. I can't stand having her make more cuts.. it isn't fair. She doesn't deserve all this at all.

We kiss in sync until we are out of breathe. We lean our forheads together and I notice a smile on her face. This makes me feel happier.

"What was that for?" She whispers smiling.

"I had to." I say smiling along with her.

(Katherine's p.o.v.)

I felt so many sparks. and butterflies. It was like it was unreal. I love this boy so much and that kiss wasn't just a meaningless one.. I know the difference. I don't get why he did but it felt amazing.

We exit the bathroom and he takes me hand in his and entwined our fingers together. This felt nice. I loved how my hand fit into his. Mine was so small but yet perfect size. Dani watched us walk in together and she glares at me. I look at Liam. He shakes it off and I act like she isn't giving me a death sentence right now. I go back to sitting with my mum and wait for the night to end.

We talk for hours more it feels like, no one really paying attention to me.. I go by the window where no one else is. I get really sleepy again anf end up falling fast asleep.


"Are you ready Kath?" Liam spoke, smirking at me insanely.

"I guess so.." I spoke back nervously.

"Everything will be okay. Just let me lead you."

I trusted him so I let him lead me into this dark alley. Why a dark alley? I questioned what was going to happen.

"Just stay here while I go grab something." He whispered.

I nodded and sat down in the middle. I have no idea what can happen. I go scared but I stay put. All of a sudden I see him running away. Leaving me by myself. I get a text from him. Tears sprung to my eyes and I just waited. Waiting for my death to come but it seemed like forever.

I have waited hours, still alive. I have no idea how. Then I see a bright light. I turn around to see a car speeding towards me. I stand up and wait for my death to approch me. I am not sared at all. This is the moment I have been waiting for. The car is just about to hit me, I feel so happy.. then everything goes blank.

*end of dream*

I wake up. I didn't get to die in my dream. Shit. I look at my surrounding and I don't recognize anything. I look down at my clothes and I am changed into only a shirt... I fumble around looking for my phone. I find it and look at the time.

1:18 in the morning. I turn on my flashlight and notice I am at Liam's house. I have always stayed in his guest room but I don't get why I didn't recognize where I was. Why am I here anyways. How did I get here. Last thing I knew, I fell asleep at the restaurant.

I'm his Diana, He's my Batman. (Liam Payne fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now