Part 9: Breakfast at Crawford's

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Part 9: Breakfast at Crawford's

Year: 1909

Time: 7:11am

Location: Crawford Residence, New York, America

Level: Second Floor

Kate stirred then awoke, thinking that it was a morning like any other.

She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and then tried to sit up...

It was then that she felt a tug and realised that... this wasn't her bed.

She turned and found me asleep next to her. She reached over to touch my face, trying as much as possible not to disturb me while holding back an overwhelming desire to tell me how cute I look while asleep.

Kate then realised where she was and remembered what had happened last night and all that she and I had talked about and the pair of gloves that she, curiously, was still clutching.

She pulled away a part of the linen covering me and looked over my shoulder. She reached behind me and felt the presence of something there but couldn't touch what she felt.

She knew I was still wearing it but still couldn't understand how I could sleep with it on and not feel irritated.

I woke up and saw her reaching over my back....which meant that her chest was very close to my face.

"Um...Good morning to you too, Kate," I said all of a sudden. She flinched in surprise, realising that I was looking at her.

"Oh, good morning Alex, I was just- ah....ahahaha," Kate tried to 'cute'-her-way-out of an awkward situation, as most girls would. Well it worked, but I already knew she wouldn't be doing something like drawing on my face.

"Are you hungry?"

"A little,"

"Well let's get downstairs to cook breakfast for Miss Crawford,"


I turned on the lamp and headed down the stairs, lighting my way. Kate followed.

I was honestly still half expecting to find a fridge downstairs but I reminded myself that it was 1909 and refrigeration units like the 'Kelvinator' were not around at this time. I would have I wait until 1922 for Electrolux to make the first decent domestic refrigerator.

We made breakfast for the three of us...well I did, Kate helped set the plates and cutlery... mostly. She wasn't a morning person. After that Kate and I had a bit more of a chat about last night while we also tidied around the kitchen and dusted the furniture.

"Well good morning, Miss Lake. Did you two behave last night?" Came a warm greeting from a room downstairs.

"Good morning," came Kate's reply with a sunny smile.

We all sat down and enjoyed a fine but simple breakfast of ingredients all of which I had bought with my money for Miss Crawford. I liked the idea of doing the shopping and chores for someone that would be hard up elsewise. We had porridge with a generous amount of milk, as well as a few slices of bacon with a glass of water each.

We explained how 'we just talked' last night, but we navigated around the subject of time travel. Okay, I know it is good to show an old woman something amazing before her time, but some things shouldn't be told least not until my time.

Kate and Miss Crawford got along very well. They enjoyed talking about things happening in the town and about how she and I met. That is still a good subject to start conversations about, I guess.

"What are your plans for today, miss Lake?"

"Oh, please, call me Kate,"

"Very well, call me Edna, although Alexander here prefers to stick to calling me 'Miss Crawford', he is such a gentleman,"

"Well Edna, first I must return home and tell my mother what I have been doing, and I know I must turn out the beds in the morning...and-"

"Wow, you sure are a busy girl aren't you, Kate?" Miss Crawford smiled, "I'm glad that the lady Julian is going to be with is a hard working girl. That will make life easier and give time for each of you to play around more, and 'just talk' more,"

Miss Crawford winked at Kate, to which Kate blushed.

"Yes, she is great isn't she? She even sweeps up for her mum," I added, noticing how a bit more red filled her face now that she received praise from me.

"I-I had better be going now...thank you Edna for letting me stay the night and thank you for breakfast," Kate spurted out before leaving the table in a hurry and heading outside.

"You had better go get her Alexander. I might have said one or two many things out of turn, hehe, silly me," Miss Crawford chuckled. "I will take care of the dishes for the mornin'"

With that thanked her and then I left the table and went after Kate.

She was leaning on a pillar on the outside of the building.

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