Part 16: Female Empathy

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Part 16: Female Empathy

The woman who had struck Jed in the back of the head made no attempt to apologise. She did however introduce herself.

"I am Sydney. That is my name and the jurisdiction that I hold and protect. Some may find that ironic and funny and I still do, so you may laugh if you feel like it," she said with a friendly smile, while returning the wooden staff to her side in the same style as a samurai returns a shiranai to his side.

Sydney extended a hand to help up Jed. She seemed to be his superior as well as a good friend as she took his antics as amusing more than annoying.

She was dressed in a heavy overcoat and an orange blouse. She wore khaki jeans an had several bunches of wires coming out of her pockets up into her blouse. Wires? Such a strange things for a woman to be having with her. Maybe she was a techie?

Her blonde hair was up in a ponytail and the end was dyed dark blue.

"I'm sorry, Jed is a hopeless lady-killer. Although that has made him notorious with that respect, he is both a powerful electronic warrior and a faithful friend." Sydney continued, in a praising tone but held back by a professional demeanor.

"Ah, yeah I'm sorry ab'ut that. A' jus can't help it," Jed said, with the strange cockney accent.

"Oh, and he also has a curious hobby: collecting accents. Could you give them a taste of New York, Jed?" Sydney asked, taking a step back for theatrical purposes.

Jed grinned and took a waiter's stance and said "Wuja- would'ja like some cwuoffee? Come get-ya cwuoffee!" Jed laughed, this was his favourite accent.

Kate, Sydney and I all laughed with great amusement at the clear replica of the Yorkey accent. Kate recalled someone in her town and time that spoke in this way and she also loved the change from plain to cockney and then to this.

"Well I am skilled in more than just linguistics." Jed said, gesturing behind himself. "I have moderate skill in mixed martial arts as well electronic-combat. Would you like me to explain how I can summon lightning?" he asked, but Sydney cleared her throat and Jed said that he'd tell them later.

"You may notice that I am his superior. He respects me but he and I don't mind having a little fun as friends." Sydney chuckled.

"Just what part of 'fun' involves hitting him in the back of the head?!" Kate blurted out all of a sudden.

"My my, quite a spirited girl. You misunderstand my action. Jed here referred to me as his 'Sensei' or teacher. Japanese culture, which I am quite find of, has a strong respect for hierarchy. I simply reminded him that he must respect visitors by not coming onto them, or interfering with current relationships." came Sydney's long-winded reply.

"I don't know what you're saying or who you are but you apologise to him. That was mean and you as a woman should respect a man like Jed." Kate retorted, in an unexpected outburst.

I patiently hushed her but didn't understand why she would lash out like this.

Jed laughed, "That is quite thoughtful of you, Kate. But she does not need to. We are just playing around."

Kate took a moment to compose herself and seemed to feel faint as she massaged her forhead. She then understood and took a step back from her aggressive stance towards Sydney. She realised her mistake and felt really embarrassed all of a sudden.

"I-ah, oh no...I'm so sorry, I don't know many things, I don't- I don't understand." Kate sobbed and turned away from the face of Sydney.

Sydney was a little irritated, but she was patient after so much had toughened her up in her life. She had fought hard to protect her jurisdiction from mobs and seasoned assassins and in her line of work it was easily stressing... but she was still an understanding woman.

She reached out a hand and embraced Kate, pulling her close like a mother.

"What is your name?"


"Kate, that's a nice gentle name. I forgive you, Kate. It must be that time of the month for you, huh?"

Kate nodded, moving her eyes towards me slightly.

"There there. I know what you're going through. Sometimes we act unpredictable around that time."

Jed and I and a few guard around us watched the two together. The roof garden was quiet apart from the wind howling around the tower and the fading sobs of Kate in Sydney's arms.

Kate sneezed.

"Let's bring you inside where it is warmer. We can talk more there. I'm sorry you had to wait for me." Sydney said, taking off her jacket and putting it around Kate's shoulders.

Kate found it quite heavy because, despite the warmth it provided, it also provided heavy impact protection with several layers of Kevlar. Kate didn't know that at the time, but was content in accepting the gesture of kindness. Sydney helped her up.

Jed raised an eyebrow. He knew Sydney as a superior and had never heard her apologise to anyone. Well he only questioned her when necessary so he let this go.

The four of us entered the lift we came from while the guards took the other elevator.

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