Part 17: Sydney's Soldiers

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Part 17: Sydney's Soldiers

Year: 1990

Time: 7:25pm

Location: Unknown Skyscraper, Sydney CBD, NSW, Australia.

Level: Unknown

The elevator took us a few floors down to a set of levels that were heavily armoured and designated a safe zone for all people. The glazed glass panels on the shaft showed us what was going on as far as we could be allowed to see. These levels were used for weapons testing as well as discussions with conflicting parties and other official usage. Of course secrets were necessary so some areas were blacked out or were out of view from prying eyes.

We got off the elevator and entered Sydney's office. It was unexpectedly a rather small office. There was room for a desk, a pair of shelves with CDs and books and hard drives, as well as... a very large sleeping bag, on which rested a really really large black cat.

I love cats so I felt very tempted to reach out and pat it, but a hand suddenly pulled me back.

"This big cat may not appreciate being startled by strangers when it is sleeping. Don't you recognise a panther when you see one?"

I turned and saw a head materialise connected to some shoulders and the hand that pulled me.

"Oh, this is Frank. He specialises in stealth and telekinesis, so he can control weight and motion of objects so he can do things like move at high speed or float in the air... or look like he is ghosting in and our of places." Sydney smiled, flicking her ponytail which stayed in the air instead of falling back down again.

"I love it when you do that." Sydney whispered to Frank, but she wasn't talking about her hair being in the air. That was the signal. Frank would do something for her while her hair was up in a ponytail, which was her sign for him.

The panther lifted it's head up and watched Sydney walk across the room for a file on a shelf and watch her hair trail behind her in the air.

It also knew. But we had no clue.

Sydney opened her mouth to say something but stopped herself and bit her lip, then composed herself and started.

"Jed has his skills, but all of my many associates and guards here have many unique skills, which I have collected from all over the world," Sydney explained, "Jed works with electricity, Miki works with long range artillery and rifles, Sarah C. had learned how to control and vibrate molecules with her... mind basically a pyro-kinetic, and many others have their traits, skills and abilities. Moe, one of my guards, is an average joe apart from the fact that he has never died...well permanently anyway."

"You have quite an assortment of soldiers here, Sydney. How did you collect them all?" I asked.

"Well they weren't caught with a Master Ball, if that's what you want to hear," she laughed, "Some I've saved from dangers, some are friends, some are past lovers, some joined for the sake of protection, some for the sake of protecting others. All are noble and some are more trustworthy than you could imagine. Of course secrets are permitted and privacy respected. Although Jed I do believe you said you would give these two an explanation as to how you shoot sparks from your hands." Sydney sat back and smiled.

"Ah, yes." Jed was somewhat startled but began to explain the purpose and function of the devices built into and around his backbone.

Apparently they were high voltage generating and discharge devices based around the principle of the Egyptian Djed Pillars and the Bhagdad Battery. Jed explained how the real Egyptians built some of their pyramids with slaves but the ones built in a hurry, or special use, were made using electromagnetically charge pillars which powered lights and neutral-gravity pulleys.

"The lights explain the lack of soot in some of the kings chambers in those pyramids," I commented.

Jed went on to explain how he had been modified to harness and control the electromagnetic fields generated at will and could do what he wished, and held out a large ring, placed it under the mug of coffee that Sydney had on her table and quickly but patiently started to reheat the coffee.

Kate was somehow shocked at the idea of taking a person apart and putting in technology but I explained that in the future this was common and it was as common as fruit.

Sydney suddenly slammed her fist down on the wall, startling Kate and I as well as the panther.

"Is something wrong? Or is it... yours too?" Kate asked, approaching her and whispering in her ear.

Sydney's voice quivered.

"It's not that. I'm... okay."

Kate turned to look around and spotted a faint grin on Frank's face. She didn't think too much of it though.

"I, uh... I should let Jed take care of you for now. I have to attend... -to something really important." Sydney gasped.

"Ahem, yes I'll give them a tour of the general area." Jed said, gently pushing our shoulders and turning us back towards the elevator.

We didn't need to know everything so Kate and I had no problems with not being told everything. It was enough to know that we were in good hands and with professionals.

We entered the elevator and Jed pressed a level that we would go to.

Kate glanced at Sydney who was still in her chair but was now leaning back and pushing herself into the leather.

Her eye was caught by a hand movement nearby, probably Frank, then she noticed Sydney looking at her with one hand gripping the table and with a finger over her lips.

Kate nodded slightly, not entirely understanding, then the elevator doors closed and blocked both their locked gazes.

Jed seemed to know about these things and seemed a little embarassed.

"Again.." he smirked.

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