Part 54: A Morning Run Before The Storm

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Part 54: A Morning Run Before The Storm

Year: 2005

Time: 6:40am

Location: Caravan Area, Bonneville Salt Flats, America

Level: Ground

I woke up early for no reason at all and found Tim sleeping nearby with a motion sensor monitoring unit in front of him with earphones in.

I turned my head and found Kate still sleeping, curled up next to me. My arm was still supporting her head and I felt a little pang of pain, which I stifled as much as I could. I gently lifted her head to free my arm and flex a bit.

Kate sighed in her sleep and mumbled something before moving closer to me, weakly clutching my arm. She is so adorable. I kissed her forehead lightly.

I closed my eyes and went back to sleep. I wanted to enjoy the moment and not spoil the tranquility.


"Alex... Alex?"

Kate's voice wafted through my head like a feather going through an open window. It fairly floated in.

"It's time for breakfast now."

She called to me again.

My sense of smell alerted me to some kind of soup, but I knew we didn't have anything for ourselves in this place. It was someone else's, so we didn't just fix up breakfast by just taking things from the kitchen here.

We heard a knock at the door and I woke up straight away and reached for the shard pistol but kept it concealed.

"Goodmorning, I hope you all slept well. Would you like some breakfast?" inquired a voice.

Tim, who was awake earlier than me recognised the voice and called, "Thank you, we will be out in a while, please give us a few minutes."

He told us that was the owner of the Winnebago we slept in.

Kate was wide awake and was just sitting next to me, watching me stare up at the ceiling after relaxing.

"Hehe, you sure are protective of me." Kate pointed to the pillow I was clutching to my chest while I was still in bed. I thought it was her.

I got out of bed and Kate asked me to bring out our luggage and we all changed, then I stored it all again. It wasn't tedious, not to me anyway.

Tim had his own luggage and changed much earlier.


We joined the couple, who owned the Winnebago we used last night, for some soup. It sorta reminded me of 'Gumbo' which is what I smelt in the morning.

While having breakfast we enjoyed the last few minutes of sunrise over the horizon. Kate sat next to me and I held her hand while we watched. A few people around us were also cuddling and watching the sun rise. It is a common interest.

"Thank you for the meal and thank you for letting us stay in your motor home for the night." Kate and I said to the couple. Tim also thanked them. They had stayed with another family nearby just for a good night drinking or something.

"You are all quite welcome. Will you be staying another night? You can stay another night if you want."

"Sure we would love to, but our plans may change." Tim replied, not really sure about staying out here, but at least we got to see the cars some more.

We finished our meal and went back to the track, which was quiet except for cleaners and inspectors who were driving up and down to check for any debris left over from Chau's accident.

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