Part 38: Real Love

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  • Dedicated to Pauline Georgia Julian

Part 38: Real Love

Year: 2038

Time: 8:50pm

Location: Personal Quarters, Stratostation, Upper Atmosphere, Earth-Space

Level: Level 2

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Caution: This section contains a little intimacy, so those not suitably vaccinated for risk of 'cooty' infection must skip this section.

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"Wow, this place is very... well as spacious as a space station can provide, hehe," I laughed at my own joke. Kate laughed along with me then walked towards the window. I followed her and placed a hand around her shoulder.

Kate had been very quiet while I was bringing out her luggage from my atomic-reduction compartment.

Now that I think about it, she has a bit less luggage than most women these days. Another part I admire about her.

We had been walking around the station following signs that said Here or This Way and it turned out that we went the long route all the way around. We found a map and realised we had to head back the way we came and take a right somewhere. So once we finally got in our room I assumed she was just tired.

"Wow! We are so high up! I saw the outside of the earth on the way up but I still can't get it in my head that we all live above the earth, Alex!" Kate placed a hand on the reinforced glass and gazed at the curve of the earth in the distance as well and watched a nearby satellite float past.

"What is that?"

"Ah, that's a safellite. This one is really really low though. Anyway, satellites are like flying computers that relay information from one place to another. Remember my wrist-mounted console and the touchscreen at Sydney's Tower? Well they all rely on those things connecting everything together." I explained.

"So they had to stay up there all the time? Doesn't it get lonely?" Kate was thinking of the pair of AI's in the lift.

"Oh, those don't think. They are not aware of boredom and don't need to be close to anyone, especially since they are connected to everyone," I smiled, knowing that even if there were AI's on board they would have many connections to everyone.

"Alex, thank you so much for keeping me with you and taking care of me through all that we have been through together." Kate said in a hurry.

"You are welcome, Kate,"

"You were a really wonderful friend back when we were growing up together in our town, then you... helped my parents find peace, then you took me in and took care of me like family, then you shared with me your story about who you are and where- I mean when you are from, hehe." She slowed down as she recounted all that we have been through in the years we have been together.


"And now... we are we have come here to look down on everything from up high. It's like time stands still for us here..." Her voice trailed off and Kate was still looking out the window with her hand up against the glass.

I continued to stay near Kate before turning slightly pale once I looked back towards where the bedroom was. I didn't notice it when we first found our room after figuring out how to get here.

"Um, Kate. Do you remember back in Miss Crawford's house how we slept together upstairs?"

I got no reply for a moment apart from a hand placed on top of the one I still had on her shoulder.

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