Part 32: The Space Elevator

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Part 32: The Space Elevator

Year: 1990

Time: 9:07am

Location: Concealed Gate Room, "Sydney's Tower", Sydney CBD, NSW, Australia.

Level: 11th Floor

Jed led us down the elevator to the specially concealed area. Despite it being closer to the ground, this level had the highest concentrated usage of perception filters for both visual, magnetic, thermal and even psychic perception. Jed enthusiastically told us about how invisible this place was.

"You could have the most dangerous object in the world brought here and no one would even know you were there," he said.

We went to a room where there were several walls and an attached corridor that I recognised.

"That's a corridor of Quantum Query Gates over there, Kate. Take a look at what I helped to create." I said to her as I gestured towards the hallway on our left that had people passing in and out of swirls of blue, green, and orange lights. I was genuinely proud of what I had helped build.

Kate hugged my arm. "So, those were designed by you and the Que'nesians? Wow! They are so... smart and complex. I'd never be able to so that."

"Oh, everyone can make something new and amazing," I patted her shoulder, "You just need time, imagination, and the right things to make into new things."

Jed apologised for Sydney's lack of attendance. She was a busy woman and couldn't stop when she was in demand... or otherwise occupied.

"Do send our regards when she is free, Jed." Jed agreed.

We all stopped at an enclosed room with one-way mirrors for us to look outside just for the view.

"This is a room that I reserved for you to use to safely jump to where you must go without being detected."

"Thank you all so much for your hospitality." Kate said very gratefully.

"You are always welcome to return here at any time." Jed replied.

"Who will watch over us?" I asked Jed.

"There are more Decade Monitors around in different times and sectors of different regions of the globe. You can contact us through our website. Here's a card." Jed handed me a shiny silver plate. It was blank on both sides.

I flipped the card over and over then turned to Jed and asked,

"Where are the details? How do I-?"

"Touch three of the four corners of the card," Jed directed.

As I did so the silver surface began to become transparent and letters started to appear. Characters seemed to rise and sink on the surface and seem to be embossed at will.

"Static disruption makes the circuit work, Jed explained, "The card is covered in a fine ferrous powder which is attracted to capacitors and electromagnets in the corners that attract and later naturally repel the powder. The powder is kept on the card by a much stronger chemical layer that allows movement but keeps the fine powder in the vicinity. Once the powder clears you can read what's on the card."

I briefly glanced at the details and handed the card to Kate to repeat the trick.

"Hehehe, amazing!" is what I heard from Kate when she kept repeating the trick of hiding and revealing the details.

I tried to stop her by saying, "Hey hey not too much, you could drain the battery cells."

"Don't worry, it's powered by static it picks up everywhere, it will never run out." Jed smiled.

Kate enjoyed that a while as Jed took a few steps back while I configured the parameters for our jump.

"Pacific Sky-Lift Base Station. P.S.L.B.S. That's where we are going." I said while typing it in my console.

Kate hooked her arm around mine once she had put the card in the care of my safe keeping.

I adjusted the area of effect to surround us both.

"Year 2038, Time 1522, Location Reception Area, P.S.L.B.S. Phoenix Islands, Pacific Ocean," I entered the details and then looked to Jed and then to Kate and said finally, "Initiating rotation. Jump in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1. Bye Jed!"

Swirls of blue and orange danced around us and lines of current reality blurred into a vortex of light and shadow.

Magnetic waves dropped a rock in the pond of space and the bounce of the "rock" created a mirror ripple in the destination and a tunnel was formed when the precise timing of the ripples are synced and two "dips in space" join.

Kate closed her eyes and squeezed my hand.


          We arrived in exactly where we wanted to be, "the reception area" although this time I had to reconfigure the exact coordinates because there was a queue of people talking to a security officer in the same location.

The people and the officer were obviously startled and to break the ice I simply quoted Dr. Who.

"Oh please, go on, pull a gun on me if it makes you feel more comfortable."

The frightened officer naturally pulled out his sidearm while I put my hands in the air. I urged Kate to follow me, despite her protests. I was glad I had the Shard Gun because the look in Kate's eyes was one of an itch to shoot.

After the crowd had gotten over the random gate out of nowhere and we were instructed on proper uniform gate conduct, I asked the guard,

"Would you like to see my credentials?" thoroughly amused at the whole situation. Sure I was scared, but this was a first for me, so I was actually enjoying it.

I passed over my wallet with one hand and returned to 2-handed surrendering stance.

The officer was familiar with my name and historical importance, but not my new face, so as a good officer he called for his supervisor and some backup just in case I was an impostor.

"Put that bloody gun away, Preston," his supervisor demanded, "He's a bloody VIP for pete's sake!"

Preston the officer returned his gun back to his holster and felt quite embarrassed.

"Sorry Dr. Julian. We do have security here, but you are always welcome. My name is Jeffrey Price. I am Captain of the Guard here." I shook his hand and enjoyed putting my arms to my sides again. Kate also relaxed.

"Hello Captain Price. How do you recognise me?"

"A woman named 'Sydney' called up and said that I would be expecting you and gave a detailed description as to what your different appearance would be. Of course I -eard about your regenera-ive abili-ies so I didn't question it." Captain Price explained with a British Accent, still holding onto my hand.

I noted the grin and the fact that my hand was still in his and said,

"You seem much more happy to see me, what have I done to make you glad?"

"Oh it's not directly what you did, but it used one of your Q2 Gates to go back in time and save the life of my daughter from a fire in an apartment up in the Stratostation up top," he pointed up to the Skyhook and I understood, "That time me and my teams of guards and firemen saved everyone from multiple troubles spots. We and our families owe you a great debt, Dr. Julian." The man was so glad to meet me that he was on the verge of tears.

I placed a hand ontop of his and simply smiled and said,

"Please, just call me Alex."

"Very well Alex, Welcome to the base of the Skyhook, or what we still love to call 'The Space Elevator'."

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