Part 43: Where are we?

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Part 43: Where are we?

Year: Approx. 2370 BC

Time: 10:45am

Location: Unknown mountain region

Level: High Altitudes

I mashed my cheek against Kate's cheek as we suddenly landed on our sides on the ground. It wasn't from a fall. At least not one I could tell.

We had barely enough time to realise that we were on what seemed to be a mountain, but the splash of water on my shoes seemed to tell us differently.

It was raining heavily but the distortion field around us, created by the Gyro-linium device, kept us from being wet.

"Oh, I'm sorry,"

"That's okay,"

Kate and I staggered to our feet and took one confused look around and stared at eachother.

"Well at least we are safe from those two."

I spotted something nearby and was startled then turned to Kate and asked,

"Do you remember in the Bible how there was a flood?"

"Yes," she answered with a shred of fear in her voice.

I pointed Kate in the direction of the only thing we could for miles all around and it was moving away from us.

We were standing on some kind of plateau and Kate's eyes were still transfixed on the long oblong wooden box that was floating away from us.

"We missed our boat out of here." I said as we both realised, and I confirmed by checking the date on my console, that this was one of the last few days of The Great Flood.

"That's...that's...!" She struggled to speak after seeing the genuine thing. The real ark was just as it was originally written.

Large wooden logs were tied together by ropes and sealed with tar and bitumen covering parts of it and especially underneath and in the corners. Wooden pegs and even some steel pegs were barely visible. I bet there was more inside.

Very slowly it got smaller and smaller as it disappeared into the horizon.

Kate never doubted that we could go places but this was something entirely different.

We looked all around us and were shocked to find absolutely nothing near us. I was expecting corpses of people and animals. Hmm, I guess the sea creatures cleared everything away.

Oh, I later found out that we weren't standing on a plateau. We got close to the edge of it and found out that it was bark from a massive sequoia tree if some sort. Apparently they grew much bigger back then due to the richer soil and better ozone. Hmm or maybe this was leftovers from Noah's ark-dock.

Either way we were glad we had it. Our feet were a little wet but that was tolerable.

Amazingly we heard something out in the heavy rain.

A bird call...

Strong but far away...

I looked back to the direction the ark went and saw something in the sky. A tiny black dot.

"A bird? Out here? It should go back to the ark." Kate gasped, seeing it's shape.

"That big yellow-green beak. It's a toucan!" I yelled, pointing at it.

The toucan spotted our line figures standing on something in the water and it decided to follow us.

It called to us and headed straight for us.

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