Chapter 3

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.......Germany! ....

Someone was calling. Who?


He let out a slight groan, forcing his eyes open. Stone ceiling. Germany rolled over, propping himself on his elbow. He was in a cell, England and America on the other side of the bars. And the voice calling him earlier. No doubt it was Italy.

"See? I told you it would work." England said matter-of-factly, turning to America. The other nation laughed.

"I guess so! Ahahaha!" He said, continuing with that grating laugh. Germany couldn't help but glare at the two. And right as he started to do so, England turned and began walking out, America close behind. But at the doorway, America stopped.

"......You're paying for my dog's vet bills." He said before continuing out. For a moment, Germany couldn't tell if America was just speaking to England or if the American was speaking to him. But that couldn't be too important right now. He pushed himself up more, his head giving an almighty throb.

"........" Germany glanced back into the cell. Italy was right next to him, on hands and knees. ".....Are you alright, captain?" Germany gave a slight nod, which made his head throb even more.

"My head hurts a bit, but that's about all. You?" He asked. Italy winced a bit and rubbed his own head.

"My head hurts too...I was dropped on my way over here." Italy said. He then glanced away from Germany, as though he didn't want to meet his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Germany."Germany simply waved it aside.

"It's okay. Our main priority is just to get out of here right now before those two get back." He said. Italy gave a short nod. "Help me find a way to get out." Germany ordered, noticing the back of the cell and getting up. He walked over there, crouching down in front of it. Italy followed his lead and got up too. He glanced around, trying to find a way to escape. There was nothing in it besides old rotten furniture and two poorly made beds. There was a hole in the wall, but it was hardly big enough for either one of them. Basically, the cell seemed inescapable.

"Looks like I can't find a way out then..." Italy mumbled after his search of the cell. He glanced back at Germany, who had stayed by the wall the entire time. "Though Germany seems to have things handled over there..." Then, as quietly as he could, he ran over the bed furthest from where Germany was and flopped down on it. "Siesta time!. Ve~"


Ah......My head hurts so much..

Maybe I can just sleep the pain away....

After all, we can't feel pain in our dreams!

The next thing Italy knew, he was in a field, right by the coast of what seemed to be a river. He glanced around, taking in the landscape. He took a few steps, still just looking around.

"Ah...So pretty..." He said, taking a deep, calming breath.

"Italy!" Someone called. Italy nearly jumped. "Hm?" He took another step north. 

"Italy, come over here!"  The very same voice called out to him. "And... where is here?" He asked, fighting back the urge to laugh. 

"Over by the tree! Come on!~" The voice answered. Italy glanced around, seeing the tree this voice mentioned. He ran over to it, trying to see anyone. But, no one was 

"Italy!~ You made it!~" The voice said. It sounded familiar, but he just couldn't place his finger on it. Oh well. 

"Of course I did!" Italy said. "I wouldn't miss it!" Whatever it was, it just filled him with so much excitement! Why though? Eh. It couldn't be that bad if it made him this excited, now could it? A figure materialized in front of him. Germany. He took a step towards Italy, looking more happier than Italy had ever seen him look before.

"I was so afraid you wouldn't come~." He said. Italy gave one of his huge smiles, hoping that this would reassure the German.

"Nonsense, captain!" Italy said. Germany's happy face faltered.

"You know. You don't have to call me that." He said seriously before giving a smile. "Just calling me Germany is good enough." Italy couldn't help but giggle this time.

"Ehehe. Whatever you say, Germany!" He said. Ve...He's actually smiling for once... Italy thought, noticing his smile. Maybe now Germany would actually stop being so strict all the time here. Wherever this place was. 

"Mmmh~ Hey, I have an idea, let's go do something together!" Germany said, snapping Italy out of thought. WHen Italy gave him a confused look, he added, "You know, like friends do!"

"Oh? Like what?" Italy asked, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"Well, that depends what YOU want to do. We can talk about pasta, or pizza, or art, or go swimming, or anything~ " Germany said, the smile on his face seeming to grow larger. Italy's face lit up when Germany mentioned swimming.

"Ooh! Swimming sounds like fun! We should do that!" He said. Germany nodded.

"Then what are we waiting for?" He said. Germany ran off to the east, stopping besides some of the water. Maybe this place was an island? They did seem to be surrounded by water. Italy followed him at a walking pace, just watching the enthusiasm he never knew Germany had.

Ah...It really has been too long since I've seen him happy like that~ Italy said silently. Or...happy at all The days he had spent with the German were fun, that was true. But never once had Germany smiled at all during it. He always had the same, neutral expression as always. Even after they had joined forces with Japan, he never smiled even once. And sometimes, that would be all Italy wanted to see. Just one smile. Sometimes, Germany's older brother, Prussia, would try to help as well. But nothing ever worked. Germany would stay just as grumpy as ever. 

Italy sped up, making it over to Germany. He must've been checking the water before Italy had made it over. The German straightened, glancing over at his friend.

"How's the water?" Italy asked. Germany gave another smile.

"Perfect!" He said happily. Italy giggled, letting out a "Hurray!" before backing up.

"Germany, hug me!" He yelled, running towards him. Right as he was about to collide with Germany, he took a huge leap. But right as he began to land, everything faded to darkness. Italy tried to say something, but found that he couldn't speak. Something was pressed over his mouth and nose, preventing him from talking or even breathing.



I can't breathe...

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