Chapter 50

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The fight against Sun was possibly one of their most difficult fights yet. Sun was able to use the sunlight that outlined him, but the sunlight coming from the windows (especially one with the roman numerals for '19') to blind the nations and even as normal, magic attacks. He also used a wide variety of fire attacks as well, in addition to his light attacks. 

However, England was normally there to counter Sun's light attacks with his own darkness spells. Russia and Canada also attempted to stop Sun's fire with their own ice attacks, although it didn't exactly stop the fire, it certainly slowed it down. 

It didn't end, until Germany, using his whip, suddenly stopped Sun right in his tracks, right before Japan hit him with a huge wind spell. Sun was pushed back, breaking out of the whip and nearly falling to his knees. He used his battleax to steady himself, shakily wiping away blood from his cuts.

"You...You shall not pass!" Sun said, gritting his teeth. 

"Enough of this!" Germany yelled, lashing at the ground with his whip angrily. He ran forwards, pushing aside Sun rather roughly. The arcana was nearly thrown into the wall, landing on his back with a small groan. He remained completely still afterwards, completely unconcious.

"He's out cold, let's go, quickly." Germany said, turning to the others. The others had just been watching in....well, mute shock. But it was dropped quickly, as the group pushed the large stone doors open.


"Please, you must believe me!!" Spain begged. He, along with France and Prussia, were facing someone dressed in holy white robes, who sat on a large, golden throne. Someone else, clad in ancient armor, stood right next to them, looking at the trio in what could be bluntly described as disgust.

"Sil v'ous plait, we are telling the truth!" France said. 

"I know Spain says a lot of weird stuff, but he's right on this one!" Prussia added as well. 

"Please..." Spain said, looking at the person in the throne with tears springing into his eyes. "Romano..." The person in the throne, Romano, just looked on, as if disinterested.

"I know no one by this name." He said simply. "If your business is truly not with me, I respectfully ask of you to leave my prescence." The man standing by, the one in the armor, glanced over to Romano, smirking slightly.

"I could show them the way out, if it is your wish." He offered. Romano just shook his head, not taking his eyes off of the three in front of him.

"No, Grandfather, I would like you to stay here next to me." Romano said. "My faithful servant will handle them." His grandfather just laughed, glaring at the nations with a slightly crazed smile.

"As you wish, you always make the best descisions, it's no wonder you are the chosen one of God." He said. 

"Mm, grazie." Romano said, nodding. The stone door suddenly opened, and the rest of the nations all walked in, not exactly looking surprised to see Romano as this prisoner at this point.

"That italian boy's not screaming and curising up a storm?" China asked, almost impressed, as the nations stopped behind Spain, Prussia, and France. "I really am dreaming." 

"Uhuhuhuhuhuu~ Good one!" Russia said. 

"Ah, I see. This is why Spain was so nervous." Japan observed. "He must have come here to save Romano." 

"I didn't think Reve would take Italy's brother, and in the form of Rome no less." Germany added, crossing his arms. Romano, clearly startled by how more people had come. stood up and walked forwards, narrowing his eyes

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