Chapter 17

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It turns out the path they had taken led deeper into the woods. All of them far from questioning it at all, they all continued down the path. Which winded through the woods. However, nothing much really happened as they continued along. That is, however, before they reached a lakeside. It appeared to go on for miles was frozen over. Which made sense since they WERE in a snowy forest.

"Hm, looks like a dead end." England said. America took a step onto the ice, holding his arms out so he wouldn't slip and fall.

"Dude, it's frozen! We can totally get past it!" He said

"But what if it's thin?" France asked, walking to the edge of the lake and studying the ice. America waved it aside

"In this weather? I doubt it." He said. "But if you're scare, no worries! The Hero will lead the way to safety!" America took another step onto the ice, wobbling a bit.

"I wonder how much longer it will be until we reach the kingdom." Japan asked, turning to Germany.shrugged, glaring at each of the Allies in turn.

"Knowing these idiots, we probably won't reach it until it's too late." Germany said coldly.

" need to learn to trust them." Japan said. "I know we're all enemies, but we're working together now. If you trust them, they'll trust you." Germany's glare reached England.

"...Perhaps." He said simply. 

"You're not the only one who has someone dear to them held hostage." Japan pointed out, glancing quickly to America, who had taken several more steps out on the ice. "Their loved ones may not be at as much risk as Italy is but it is still scary for them."

"'re right." Germany eventually said, glancing back to his ally. "I need to be less hostile towards them, just this once. Like America said, we're all on the same side."

"Hai, and America-san is taking all of this very well." Japan commented. "Despite his brother missing, he is still maintaining a level head." RIght as Japan said this, there was a loud crunch. And, suddenly, America had disappeared from view, a hole right under where he once stood.

"UWAAAH!!" Oh, there was also his scream. That too.

"....And a fat ass." Germany added on. 

"America!!!" England yelled, running out onto the ice towards the hole.

"Angleterre!" France ran out after him. "Be careful!" England seemed to ignore him, but when he took several steps forward, he stepped lightly, inching towards the hole. He glanced down at the hole, surprised.

"What the-- there's no water!" He exclaimed. 

"How does that work??" China asked in disbelief.

"America!" England called, bending down into the hole, but not enough so that he would lose his balance and fall in. "America, are you okay down there!?"

"Whooa! You guys need to come down here!!" America's voice called up. "I think I found the kingdom!" 

"Down there?!" England called back

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Russia asked. "Let's jump in!" Russia walked over, barely stumbling at all. When he reached the hole, however, he jumped in. 

"I have such a bad feeling about this..." England said, but, nonetheless, he jumped in as well. Germany and Japan followed him, walking over to the hole and jumping in.

"Ai-yah. I can't believe we're actually going to do this." China said.

"We've done stranger, have we not?" France commented. China gave a nod, agreeing to that. France then followed the others and jumped into the hole. However, as China walked a few steps onto the ice, there was another loud crunch as the ice broke right underneath him.

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