Chapter 32

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England finally opened the last window, letting more air in. It had taken God knows how long to not only clean up the blood and properly bury the bodies of the poor people that had been killed, but to also get the stench of death and blood out of the room. England walked back over to the middle, settling down on one of the cushions they had set down.

"There, all the blood is cleaned up and the windows are opened." He said. America pulled a slight face, looking a bit disgusted.

"Bluck, about time." He said. "The smell was starting to get to me, ya know?" England gave him a 'No kidding' glare.

"Well, this has been an interesting turn of events." He said, running a hand through his hair.

"That's an understatement to say the least." France said. "How's Russia?" 

"Just fine!" Russia and China had walked back into the room, Russia looked better than ever.

"Dude, you look like a million bucks!" America commented as both nations sat down on their own cushions. Russia kaughed slightly, his normal smile in place.

"Uhuhu, I assume that is a lot in your country." He said. "Thank you very much."

"Thanks to some Asian healing techniques, he should be good as new!" China said, looking cheerful as well.

"Thankfully, Prussia must have helped on the outside too." England said. China quickly glanced around, looking worried suddenly.

"Japan hasn't come out yet, has he?" He asked.

"Nein, he has been locked in his room with Canada the whole time." Germany said, glancing over at the Chinese nation. Before anyone else could reply, there was a slight yell from the hall.

"Wait! We're almost there!" It was Canada. Both him and Japan walked out, Japan walking slower than Canada. America set a pillow down near him.

"Oh, they ran outta pillows around here, so I got one for ya, bro!" He explained as both nations sat down.

"Thanks, America." Canada replied, getting a big smile from America. 

"Are you going to be okay, Japan?" Germany asked, glancing over at his ally worriedly. Japan was still silent, not looking at any of them.

"He hasn't said a word for the longest time." Canada explained. "But let's not force him to talk if he isn't ready. For now, let's just focus on other things." England nodded.

"Right, like what we should do now." He said. "We have followed both leads to find Korea and and Hermit. Do you know of any other area, Canada?" The canadian shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I don't." He admitted. "I just know the Winter realm where I ruled."

"Well this sucks, we're in a dead end." America said, folding his arms.

"We can't be! We haven't gotten any clues of where Italy is yet!" Germany yelled, slamming his fist onto the ground and making China and Russia, who both sat near him, jump slightly.

"And this was sort of a detour since China was just made one of his toys recently." Russia added.

"I am sorry about that, I didn't mean to get swept up in that mess." China apologized.

"It is fine! We are just sorry we didn't get you out of the ice caves sooner." Russia waved it aside, smiling even bigger.

"Hm, speaking of, I wonder where the creature went off to after collapsing the villa." England wondered aloud.

"...He came here." Everyone jumped, turning to Japan. The Asian nation had stood up, still looking down at the ground.

"He spoke!" China said, about to jump up. Canada, looking relieved, put a soft hand on Japan's shoulder.

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