Chapter 18

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When they had made it back to the room where the Ice Castle stood, Russia immediately walked over to the door, pulling out the key. The key slid in perfectly and he turned it, the door already opening.

"All right the key fits! Let's head in!" America said. 

"Remember what I said, we need to keep the element of surprise." Germany restated. "We don't know what's in here."

"Yea yea sure, got it!" America said, pulling open the door.

"Idiot..." Germany muttered as they walked in. The entrance hall was large and extended to the left. The right however, led to a dead end.

"Woah! This place is huge!" America exclaimed. The door suddenly closed behind them with a bang, making them all jump.

"And it looks like we aren't getting back out quite yet." France added on. "We might as well search around." And with that, they started towards the left, climbing up the staircase. As soon as the first person, who happened to be France, reached the top, a candelabra flew right by him, just barely missing his head. But it didn't just hit the ceiling and fall, it instead whipped back around for France again.

"What the!?" He managed to duck before it hit him again. "They're moving on his own?!"

"Be careful, they appear to be enchanted!" England warned, pulling his wand out and sending a fire spell at the candelabra. A coat of arms flew off the wall, right in front of the candelabra and blocking the fireball. "Oh bloody hell!"

Germany was already on it, lashing his whip out at the coat of arms and pulling it back as it tied around the shield. He whipped it around, smashing the shield into the ground. The shield cracked and stayed still after hitting the floor. Germany pulled his whip back, turning only to be hit with a blue fireball.

"Germany-san!" Japan yelled. He slashed at the air, sending visible wind blasts towards what seemed to be chandelier. The chain holding it up snapped and it fell to the floor with a crash. Japan rushed over to the German, who on his knees holding his shoulder. The candelabra had lunged itself at the two, however, Russia knocked it off course, immediately sending a shower of ice spikes at it as it hit the wall.

"Dammit..." Germany cursed. His shoulder was still smoking slightly from the fireball.

"Are you okay?" Japan asked, helping him straighten. He nodded, moving his hand only to grab it again.

"I didn't think that thing would attack us." He said. "I'd better be careful then..."

"Should we take a break?" Japan asked.

"Nein. I'm perfectly fine." Germany replied. "I'll just sit out the next couple of fights." Japan nodded.

"It's getting all Beauty and the Beast up in here!" America said. 

"Focus. We'll need to be careful, anything can try to attack us. Let's proceed with caution." Germany advised.

"Easy for you to say..." England grumbled. Germany shot another glare at him as they continued along. They had to go several floors, encountering even more enchanted furniture and even chests that were sometimes filled with furniture. It was a bit before they came across the main staircase on the third floor. The hall continued along into what seemed to be a kitchen while stairs led upwards.

"Should we go check out the room over there?" Russia asked. "It looks like a kitchen to me!"

"Maybe we should. We might be able to find supplies there if that's the case." England said. "Come on." They went right through the doors, right into the kitchen. And in said kitchen, a faery fluttered in the middle of the room.

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