Chapter 21

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The stairs led down into what seemed to be a new section of the ice caverns. And America stood right by the beginning of what seemed to be another tunnel.

"See, what happens when you mess around with thi-" But England was cut off by America turning sharply, putting a finger up to his mouth.

"Ssh." He shushed him, glancing back down the tunnel. England looked outraged.

"Did you just shush m-"

"SSH." America reinforced, glaring over his shoulder at the Brit.

Ahahah~ This is so much fun~ Someone was saying. Someone...familiar.

"Is that..." France began, recognizing the voice.

"Canada." America finished for him, clenching his fists. He then sped off down the tunnel, full speed.

"America, wait!!!!" England yelled after him. But it was too late, the nation was already gone.

"You really should put him on a leash." Germany advised.

"Ugh...Come on, let's go after him." England said, starting after America. The others followed as well. The ice caverns seemed to stretch out. And the light seemed to fade incredibly fast. Thankfully, England had a fire spell ready for just such a situation. They continued in silence until a rather familiar message appeared carved into the wall and splashed with red paint.

nO trEspaSserS allOWed

"Wait a moment. Haven't we seen this before?" Japan asked. No one answered though, until they had continued onwards and received the same message

nO trEspaSserS allOWed

"I'm certainly having an unpleasant case of Deja vu." France said, partly agreeing with Japan. They continued again, the next message appearing once they had turned the corner a little farther down.

nO trEspaSserS allOWed!!!

"I have a feeling that mention of 'misfits' from before were not talking about toys." Germany said. They continued once more, but stopped however due to the tunnel becoming too dark for even England's small flame. He put it out, squinting to see through the pressing darkness.

"How the bloody hell did America make it through here? I can't see past my hand!" He said.

"Should we head back?" Japan asked. It was too dark to continue anyways.

"With how dark it is, we might just have to." Germany said.

"And with those carvings on the wall, I don't exactly feel so safe walking around in the darkness." France added.

"Cheer up, everyone!" Russia said. "It's not so bad! We just need a little light on the subject that's all!" Almost immediately after the very words left his mouth, the room lit up with four pillars of fire and tiny balls of fire began floating around them. Only this time, a bit lower to the ground.

"Oh gott, not again!" Germany yelled, taking a step back.

"Run!!!" France yelled, also taking a step back before turning and running back the other way. The rest of the nations followed, running right back through the once darkened tunnels. The caves shook and they got one glance at the message before running past it.


That certainly wasn't helping matters. The nations ran even faster, spikes rising up behind them. The other message had changed again, they however only had one glance at it before they passed it completely.

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