Chapter 38

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The giant wooden doors closed with a slam behind them as the group finally all made their way inside. Half of the room was covered in bright red carpeting while the other side was a bright green. The walls on either side were made of pure white marble, with stone columns lining the walls.

"This is some....interesting decorating choices." France commented. 

"Hm, he runs fast." England said. "Let's catch up to him." The group began moving farther into the room. Only to see two seperate staircases. With two different Prussias racing up them. 

"What the?!" America exclaimed, glancing between both paths. 

"It must be a trap, just like China." Russia said.

"Yes, but we don't know which is real or fake." China agreed. 

"Let's split up." Germany suggested. "If there's a dead end in one of the pathways, come back here and follow this path, or find a conjoining room at the end." The others nodded. 

"I'll go with you, Doitsu-san." Japan said, taking a few steps to stand a bit closer to his ally. Germany nodded and gave the rest of the group a "Anyone else?" look.

"...I'll come with Japan too." Canada volunteered.

"And of course I'm gonna stick to my brother!" America said, putting an arm around Canada, almost protectively. 

"I suppose you three are with me then." England said, glancing over at France, Russia, and China. 

"Yay, we all are even~" Russia said happily.

"Let's go." Germany ordered, beginning to head down the red pathway. England, meanwhile, led his group down the other path, the green one.


Which group would you like to control first?

Germany's Team
England's Team

You choose: Germany's Team


Up the stairs was a large, sprawling maze. It seemed to be empty, with the only light seeming to come from the path way in front of them.

"Be on your guard, everyone." Germant advised as they began heading through the maze. It was a quiet walk through the maze for the most part. That is, until America suddenly let out a yell.

Two, human-sized cakes had lept out at him, baring large sharp teeth and a hooked tongue. America had just barely managed to swat one of the things away using his bat before it latched itself onto his legs. They pushed the group all to one side of the hall, hissing and growling like a strange cross between dogs and snakes. 

And cakes. That too.

Thankfully, it didn't take much to finally get rid of the strange monsters. Although their appearance was more worrying.

"Can anyone explain why the hell we were just attacked by giant cakes?" America asked, shaking a few bits of frosting from the monsters off his jacket. 

".....Tortes." Germany said, getting a strange look from the other three. "Those were Tortes. They're deserts. They're actually pretty common where I come from. Austria loved them." His last sentence stayed in the back of his mind. Austria loved them. Is it possible? Germany pushed it from his mind as they came across other Monsterous Tortes. They even came across a huge one at one point, complete with a candle. However, they were no match for any of them. Soon enough, they reached what looked to be the end of the maze, which led to a hallway and another staircase.

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