"They left. I need to go to the basement, there's something I need to verify in my secret room." England said once both Germany and America had passed. He needed to do this in secret. He quickly hurried off, taking a quick stop at his room, just in case the book he needed was in there. If it was, it certainly wasn't on the table. The book on the table was written in an ancient language that barely looked readable. However, it made perfect sense to the Brit.
"I wish I had more time to study the other volumes before my house burned down." England commented bitterly, closing the book and searching around the room before heading back out and down to the basement. He immediately went for the blocked door, unblocking the door with a flash of bright orange light. Stepping inside as quickly as he could, he glanced around, blinking a few times before his eyes became adjusted to the dimmer lighting.
"Where could that book be?" He asked himself, picking up one of the papers before throwing it back onto the ground. "I know it's here somewhere." He checked the first book he saw, which laid on the ground.
"No, that's not it." He said, picking it up and setting it down on the table. "That's my latest bodice ripper. I'll get back to that when this is over." When this is over. Those words seemed like their meaning was miles away. And it would be if this was what England expected it to be. He shook his head. No, everything would be fine for them, especially if he could just find that book.
So he checked around more, the second book not being it. He checked the one next to it. This one had a much newer cover than the other one.
"Not this one either. This one's my newest cookbook that's sure to be a hoot when I'm allowed to cook again." He said, allowing himself a small smile. "50 Shades of Chicken. Even if I can't cook, it's still hilarious to read." He couldn't open it to read though, he still needed to find that book. He checked around, and while doing so, he checked one of the pots, suddenly noticing something in there.
"...mm? There's something in here." He peered in, but suddenly jumped back when he saw who it was. "Ah-Tch- VInny! Get out of there!"
"Ey ey wat's happenin' pally? Why ya gotta drop in like dis?" A voice came out from the pot. England pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing,
"Why are you in here, this is my private study." He said. "I'd rather you leave, thank you." The voice let out a groan.
"Awww but pallyyy, all de choice dames hehng out in dis joint!! I dunno when but I'lla catch'em sumtime!!" England gave another annoyed sigh.
"They do?? ...Well, I'll have to up security then. I'd rather not have my library turned into a fae nightclub." England commented. Vinny gave what sounded to be a mix between a sad cry and a whimper.
"Nnnnooooooo!! Wat else am I supposta do naow??" England crossed his arms.
"That sounds like a you problem. Now go on, scoot! Scoot on out of here!" He made a shooing gesture. Vinny gave a long, overdramatic sigh, followed by a huff.
"Meeeeeh fione whateva. I got betta places ta be anyhow otha then dis duhmp."
"Hey!!" England said indignantly as Vinny disappeared from the pot. Making a mental note to tighten the spells surrounding this room, he continued searching through the library.
Reaching the back of the library, he noticed the mirror hanging opposite of the room. Knowing the book couldn't be far, he walked up to it, gazing at his reflection.
"...I look tired, too." He commented. This entire day was just tiring and stressful for everyone. He sighed, turning back around to look for the book. However, right as he turned, the Italy that had appeared back upstairs in Canada's room emerged from the room, smiling at the Brit. And as England moved back to where he had seen a book before, the Italy followed him, his smile growing wide all the while.
Fanfiction....Humans always say...that they should be careful what they wish for...because...it can come true...But what would be wrong if dreams could come true? Couldn't everyone be happy then...? Yes, it would not be bad....would it? Humans are so silly~~...